Container Gardening

Grow Your Own Food! Container Garden-How To! Frugal Living! One Pot Veggie & Chicken Meal!

VICTORY GARDEN! Save Money! Learn To Container Garden! Rising Costs! Inflation! Learn the changes we need to make to adjust to price increases! Early retirement debt free couple shows you how you can have an abundant and full life with less money! Living a debt free life is possible by simple budgeting and not over spending! Debt free living is within reach!


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  1. Since you have pets, would you do a video on what you feed them and any money saving ideas you have? I have 5 cats and several strays that I feed every single day and it's getting very expensive. Thanks.

  2. This year in container gardening I will be growing: sage, lettuce, mini peppers and basil. And inside I will be growing: sprouts first and then micro greens later in the Summer.

  3. I am not able to container grow on my balcony this year at all and I enjoyed it so much last year. They decided to tear our balconies down and won't be replaced in time for this year. Last year I grew tomatoes, radishes, bok choy and chives and had many bok choy and radish top leaf salad using all the other stuff with a tomato sandwich. I had loads of tomato left over so I vacuumed sealed and froze them to use during the winter. I was going to try to add some peppers this year so I am very envious of anyone that can grow something this year. Good luck everyone

  4. Loris looks like she is very patient with Dixie. Lol! Too cute those two. Great video! Nice to learn more about container gardening.

  5. Half our garden is pickle 🪣 buckets! This year we have corn, potatoes, bush and pole beans, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, radishes, beets, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, sugar baby mellons, sugar pie pumpkins and strawberries. It's 2 earth gardens, a strawberry earth garden, 6 raised beds, and 20 five gallon pickle buckets. And there will be a lot of canning done.

  6. We're in Northwest suburban Chicago and have been growing container tomatoes, bell peppers, and herbs, but we’re simplifying this year and are planning to just stick with herbs. Although, once we get those in the planters, I’m going to advocate for one tomato, one pepper, and I’d also like a zucchini (which we’ve never grown before). But they would all have to be in large pots, which we have, and would have to fit on our patio wall so they are waist height and easy to manage for watering, since neither of us is getting any younger!

  7. Hi Emmy, really loved this from Paul and yourself, definitely agree with previous comments that you should write a cook book. I am in England and have grown herbs and vegetables for some time. We grow tomatoes in grow bags and are trying red peppers in pots, we have a homemade raised bed that is surrounded with netting to protect from pigeons as they have pinched our crops before! In the raised bed we grow herbs and spinach regularly and are trying romaine for the first time. We have a ballerina Apple that is coming into fruit for the first time. There is nothing better than fresh veg from the garden! Fingers crossed for a good harvest. Sending much love 💐💚

  8. Last year I grew my first vegetable garden. I have a small garden here in Staten Island where I grow roses so I did vegetables in containers. I grew tomatoes and peppers! I did pretty good for a first time veggie Gardner and ate tomatoes and peppers well into the fall. This year I am back at work and not sure I will get around to doing it. Looking forward to next year and gardening in my retirement. My sister lives a few block away and has bigger property and she grows zucchini, broccoli, basil, eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. So I can always go and borrow from her instead of going to the supermarket.

  9. 🌻🐝☀️🌺👨‍🌾🌸You are an inspiration to me. Im growing most of my garden in containers. I can see you put a lot of work and love into growing! The best part of gardening to me is you get to see the new growth everyday it brings me so much joy! It’s the start of my 3 year gardening but there is still so much to learn and I appreciate your tips, tricks and advice! I hope we can learn more from each other as we grow!

  10. You asked the question what grows fast in your area. First thing that came to mind was the word "weeds"! I live in Florida but I'm from the New York City suburbs, and I'm used to growing vegetables and plants from April to October. Down here in Florida that doesn't work. And for many years I would be very frustrated trying to grow many vegetables and not be successful. The corn on the cob would get eaten by fire ants, and due to the heat, the vegetables would wither. Here in Florida we have to grow in the winter. Once I found that out I became more successful. I have grown watermelon, zucchini, corn on the cob ( it would still get eaten by the fire ants no matter what I did) so I stopped growing that but I love corn on the cob. I've done green beans, peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. It is so rewarding.

  11. Yes. I have 3 raised gardens and 10 grow bags. I try hot, hot peppers to give away and sweet banana and poblanos for us. Also growing several varieties of tomatoes. Sunflowers and wild flowers. Look forward to it each year!

  12. Did you add some water after you planted the veggies in the containers. And how often do you water?

  13. Ray and I garden a LOT, mostly in the ground, but just wanted to add a comment to others . . . never give up on future gardening possibilities. Ray and I just got together 10 years ago and started gardening as a joint activity. We had both gardened some over the years with previous spouses not really being into it and helping much. We also both were raised on small homesteads with large gardens. So we had a little basic knowledge of that.
    But since being together (he in his late 60's and retired, me in my late
    50's then and still working, but retired now) we decided to try growing herbs, which we neither one had any experience, knowledge, or even any contact with growing.
    It took a lot of trial and error, but we now are SO surprised at how EASY and INEXPENSIVE they are to grow and dry!! 👏👏👏
    We live in central IL and grow the typical veggies here. But we were a little skeptical at our age to attempt asparagus, berries and grapes. We weren't sure if we would actually be able to harvest enough to make it worth our while since we're up in age.
    Well, we planted asparagus 8 years ago and it is so prolific that we have more than recouped the money we spent on 5 plants at Aldi.
    We also bought 5 thornless blackberry starts the next year at Aldi. We have SO many berries we have to give them away to family and friends, on top of freezing and making jam. And we give jam away to family and friends at Christmas.
    We planted strawberries the next year, but didn't find them at Aldi, so we bought them from a mail order catalog. Production is the same as blackberries. And both of those berry patches reproduce SO prolifically that we have to prune them back and have given starts of both to many neighbors, friends, and family.
    Three years ago I saw grape vine starts at Aldi, so of course I brought home 5 plants (cause it seems to be our magic number!) and they're doing fantastic! Last year the birds got most of them, but we're going to cover them with netting this year to combat that!
    And all the plants we have bought at Aldi have been $5-6 each!! 👏🤩
    Sorry for the lengthy post, but just had to (hopefully) help other viewers of yours be motivated to not be pessimistic about the future and just try one or two things at a time. And like you say in this video, if you can't grow in the ground, grow in containers.
    And to remember: ANYTHING you grow and harvest is MORE than you would have had, and tastes better and is MUCH MUCH more healthy.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your videos and your and Paul's helpful, optimistic advice. You explain and show what you guys do in such down-to-earth family-style conversation. Your recipes and how you switch out ingredients gives the best cooking advice ever. Paul has no need to feel shy of the camera, he is a mentor for young and old. Keep up the great work Paul! 👏🤩
    And Dixie's such a joy! Glad to see more of Lori's as well. Like others here in the comments say, watching you guys is like visiting treasured friends!! 👏🥰💖

  14. Yes!!! Great video. I started gardening in 2021, learning a ton, enjoying God"s bounty, and absolutely passionate about it. I grow 99% by seed, so very affordable. Last spring/summer, I didn't have to buy tomatoes or canned tomatoes for almost 6 months!! What a blessing!

  15. I really like that you are cutting down fats almost every time you cook. So many recipes require unreasonable amount of fats! I would not even bother to add milk. I think fresh vegetables, chicken, cheese and bacon are excellent without cream or milk. I just wish you would add some garlic and maybe Italian seasonings 😊 thank you for another inspiring video!

  16. Nice and informative video for anyone just starting to garden for the first time.
    Thank you. Great job on your continuous rise of YouTube subscribers. Thanks for all you do for the frugal family community😀

  17. I have 3 square foot gardens and hanging pots of basil, dill, mint and parsley. I grow tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, radishes, peas, beans, summer and winter squash, peppers spinach, Swiss chard, raspberries bok choy and eggplant

  18. Dixie made me laugh so hard 😅 I've a raised bed in a Community garden. I love it. Snap peas, kale, spinach, cabbage gave me tons. Was able to share. My herbs grow @ home.
    Yummy recipe

  19. I have lettuce and some peppers and herbs in pots/buckets. And in our small ground garden I have a nice raspberry patch (will be picking in a few weeks!), tomatoes, red onions, and peppers. Can't wait til the yellow cherry tomatoes come in…like eating candy!

  20. Just about everything grows well in the Ozarks and we start seeds indoors in December in order to extend the growing season. In ground, in pots, and indoors. We come from a long line of farmers who depended on food gardens to eat.

    Basil, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peppers, beans, sweet peas, okra, sunflowers, corn, pumpkin, watermelon, cantelope, potatoes, garlic, parsley, cilantro, onions, leeks, shallots, ginger, lemongrass, sunchokes, mint, herbal teas, catnip, stevia, celery, carrots, radishes, turnips, beets, collards, cabbage, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, spinach, and kale. Only we just had a monsoon and the plants in the ground are now rowing to the Mississippi. But they should do ok. The weeds loved it. My garden sign says "Garden of Weedin". Had to cover up some tender container plants with sheets because it will go into the low forties overnight. That protects them from cold damage. And I searched the web to learn why recipes were called a smash, with no luck. Maybe it's a mashup with soft vegetables. It would be interesting to know.

  21. Dixie trying to have a play date 😂😂 we grow tomatoes, cukes, green beans, potatoes, onions, garlic, lettuce, chives, rosemary and much more; some in containers, some in the ground…..watching them grow, come to life and then harvesting is so satisfying and delicious….your one pot meal looks dandy….thanks for sharing….

  22. To save money when starting out is to plant in the bags, I’ve done that in the past. You need a couple drainage holes in the potting mix bag, cut a small x in the top and place in the bag. Always remember to feed

  23. We have tried things here for years and so far it costs more then what we saved. We can’t even grow zucchini! Last summer we got 2 tomatoes off 3 plants. One year when buying plants they had corn starts! Off 6 plants we gots 3 small ears of corn 😃

  24. Hi from the UK Emmy and Paul. Love you’re videos. Very informative, positive and encouraging. We have cats and am always amazed how they look on any other species as much more inferior to them…😃 here in the east of the UK we are into late spring. Normally I grow my tomatoes from seed but they failed so I have popped plants into the greenhouse. My new potatoes are growing well in the ground and we should be harvesting those at the beginning of July, delicious. I have Runner Beans in the ground now, sown from seed inside. I have just sown French beans direct into our soil this weekend and carrots have been direct sown in the ground for a few weeks now. We are having a few cold days so it may slow some things down. I will probably sow some lettuce in trays soon and no doubt share them with the birds😆 I love the taste of fresh home grown veggies, you can’t beat it. Take care🙏😻❤️

  25. We have quite a deer problem, so gardening is difficult to say the least. I grow herbs, which, save for parsley, the critters generally leave alone. This year I have basil, parsley, tarragon, sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano. Sadly, the dill did not survive. I am trying cherry tomatoes in containers. Fingers crossed, but so far, so good! I am also having some success with things in the onion family, so scallions and chives are doing well. I also grow spearmint, pineapple mint and lemon balm — again because the creatures don't like the smell, but something is eating the lemon balm for the first time this year. The mint helps deter their presence and I allow it to grow throughout the retaining wall bed I use behind the house even though mint is a bear to control.
    I love the recipe you showed and you are so right — there are endless possibilities with it.
    I was selecting my herbs to use as you went along! I use all the herbs I grow! I find it so funny that folks grow herbs and then don't use them!

  26. Thanks for these great tips for home gardening. You forgot to mention one important thing and that's taste. There is nothing on Earth like a home grown tomato! Adding fresh herbs to whatever vegetables you grow will make for delicious and healthy meals. Let's all get growing!

  27. I enjoy your upbeat attitude! It makes a person energized to try and grow my own garden stuff!👍

  28. I do container gardening. I live full time in an RV. I have oreggano, parsley, basil, some succulent/ cactus, a crown of thorns. Last year I planted a bush tomato and we just harvested our last tomato from a sucker that I replanted into a small pot. We winter in Florida so I have been growing year round. Fresh herbs in my sauces and soups! I add coffee grounds to my containers. Gardening is for everyone!

  29. A note for those without yards, Celery, romaine lettuce & green onions can be re-grown in a container of water. I'm in Arizona and almost everything grows well here. Citrus fruit and melons grow well only in the southern part of the state. Too cold to grew them in the northern part of the state where there are 4 seasons. I skipped having a garden this year but I do have apple and pear trees. I'll resume my garden next year. I have container grown corn before. It is so rewarding to harvest your own garden.

  30. The one pan s-mash looks amazing…I used to do a large in ground garden, now containers are easier, started growing pineapples rooting the tops from previous ones ( in Florida)

  31. I live in one of the coldest areas of Norway. We have had a garden for many years. I have potatoes, carrots, salad, herbs, flowers etc. The season is short here, but it is possible to grow some vegetables. It is time to harvest the seeds now. I collect as many I can to save money next season. I normally dry them in old egg baskets, coffee filters etc. Do you collect any seeds from your garden, Emmi(e)?

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