Vegetable Gardening

My thoughts on a Dark Winter and Armageddon… AGAIN…

We are still living and doing what needs to be done in spite of the naysayers. We still have work to do in this world… the harvest is ripe…prepare for an emergency it don’t live as if the world was going to end because it won’t one second sooner than it’s supposed to. We are commanded to push on until then. Love y’all!


  1. Just perused my stores recently and said to Mom, "Wow, I thought we were in better shape than that!". We're very deficient in a lot of areas. Can't afford to quit. Agree with you about what's going on around us. Revelation 17:17. Stay vigilant.❤️

  2. Thank you for the heads up on the red lantern and it's great price!
    I just ordered it. I've never burned an oil lamp, does it produce some heat in a room and how long does the oil typically last for you meaning does it consume its oil in one burn?

  3. This is news I need to hear! I agree. Can i get your email so I can buy some produce? I'm not too far away and would like to become a customer of yours!

  4. Hey Jill, we keep oil lamps around the house also. They've actually have came in handy for keeping bathrooms a little warmer in the winter. We also used them during our snowmaggedon. We gave a matching set to my youngest daughter, because she had asked us for a set. I do have extra wick on hand, plus the extras. I had a sense of urgency awhile back to get some extra food to keep on hand. Like you, if something should happen, I will probably be feeding others besides us, at least a possible of 6, could be more. Not sure what to think of this world we are living in now, but trying to be prepared. Although, learning to garden is becoming a real challenge for me.

  5. Pretty much how I feel about these things. I get more anxious about stuff more in our control than the epic disasters and sorrows that life just hand us. Nothing I can do about that. Made me feel better to hear your kind thoughts today! Y’all are doing great, thanks for sharing as always. 💛

  6. Amen! The only way to get through these times or any time is by trusting in the Lord. It's biblical to prepare and tend to our household.

  7. Great video. We need to, as you said, get into the Word and stay in the Word. Remember, the weapons formed against us will not prosper.

  8. Just keep Going! I was so humbled by your transparency about your Christmas tree! And yes the world is upside down, but we have to remember that God had Noah prepare too. Your right, we need to watch but not focus on the world, our eyes on Jesus. God Bless you my Texas sister in Christ.

  9. 🙏🏻Thank you for that reminder of God’s promises. We certainly can get caught up in even the mildest of fears where it’s just an undercurrent that creeps in! 🌾🍁🍃🍂

  10. You are so right. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. We need to do our best & trust God with the rest. I needed to remember that after a frustrating gardening day yesterday. Also, thanks again for your heads up. I ordered my cold pressed neem oil today.

  11. amen. and the Lord says 2 Tim if you don't work you don't deserve to eat, Also 1 Tim those who don't care for your family you are just like a sinner unforgiving

  12. I agree with you Jill. We all must be in God’s Word each day. Personally I am in my 5th year of reading through the Bible in a year. God bless y’all !!!

  13. Thanks for posting. I prepared last year. Went through my things and have been putting back for winter. I even had a gas stove put in that I can run on propane. I’ve had a wood stove for years. I love your videos. Keep the faith and God Bless

  14. why are people so stupid to make comments like that; i wish i had a better pantry for my canned goods; i really need to go back through my winter preps so i know where everything is. i have one solar generator but I feel i need another one for the rabbit barn to run a heater if needed to prevent the plumbing from freezing and heat tape for my outdoor faucets. I wish we would get some rain!

  15. Thank you Jill for reminding us, we don’t need to wring our hands with worry. We need to be sure our pantry is full with extra for our extended family if needed, to read God’s Word everyday and trust Him and keep our eyes on Jesus, because He is in control of all things. He’s never anxious or taken by surprise. Thank you for wise godly wisdom. Bless you❤️✝️🙏

  16. right on. ❤️ kids will come home. honestly, singles would be shocked at how much it takes to feed the whole family. I know. keep at it while the prices are only 45% more instead of 4x, whatever we can. 5 a week is a good start. 10 every byweekly payday, or $20 a week if you need to see it that way. like skip your sonic for one day, for real. God bless, love you all.

  17. Good advice! I have a much smaller growing area than you and I was feeling pretty discouraged when the squirrels dug up several of my little cabbage, chard, beet, and lettuce seedlings. And it is so hard to compete with squirrels this time of year, they are just going crazy burying every bit of food they can. But today I realized I just need to keep planting, keep trying, since I already have the seeds. And, my brother's family lits their tree up in September because shorter days are depressing for him, but he loves the Christmas spirit.

  18. You are just the BEST! I am so glad I discovered your channel. I feel like we are very alike! I own a wellness spa here in North Texas. If you ever need a little TLC, I would love to hook you up with a completely free spa day 🙂

  19. I bought some lanterns and oil and wicks as well. An old fashioned clock that winds. Lots of propane. A saw in case I need to cut wood. I also got a weighted blanket and I have plenty of regular blankets, socks, gloves, toboggan to keep me warm. God bless everyone.

    I’m one person and I hoard food!! I live very remotely. I’m a single female. I’m not going to worry after something happens. I’ve always said if you’re prepared nothing will happen. If you’re not prepared expect the worst. Ha. Fear and faith can’t live in the same heart ❤️

  20. As several have stated, excellent message. You know what is best for you and those you are going to help – if that means stacking it to the rafters, stack it to the rafters and don't listen to what anyone says. I believe when people call out others for preparing, that is spiritual warfare. Wish we were getting that cool down here in San Antonio but I've still got Cherokee Tan pumpkins, cukes and tomatoes I'm trying to push through so I'll take warmer weather for a little while longer. God bless.

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