Edible Gardening

7 Easy Perennial Vegetables To Grow: Harvest Year After Year… ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŒพ ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ

There’s a group of plants that you can plant once and harvest year in year out. They’re called Edible Perennials.
Many of these plants are not commonly known, but they deserve to be because not only do they practically grow themselves but many of them are delicious and beautiful too.
In this week’s episode, Ben reveals 7 edible perennial vegetables that are easy to grow, for a range of hardiness zones. So wherever you live in the world, there’s something here for you!

Want to find out more about perennial vegetables? See our other video on this topic here:

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  1. Thank you for some new ideas to try, Good King Henry, sorrell, the garlicky thing (I'll have to watch again for the name). I tried growing chicory this year but it didn't come up so I'll try again.

    One of the best ways to discover perennial veggies is to leave things growing through the winter even when you think they might be dead. I save most of my garden clean up until spring when I start seeing sprouts.

    I have had a regular standard broccoli grow for 5 years before it died. It would flower and that stem would die back and then another stem or three would sprout from the stem towards the bottom and produce small heads, even in the winter and in snow. It never produced viable seeds so I was sad about that especially once it died. After the second year I had to tie it to a stake because it was so top heavy with branches, it kept falling over and uprooting itself. I just stuck it back in the soil and it kept growing.

    A surprise I had this year was finding several leeks that had flowered, suddenly have new baby growths at the base. A little closer examination and they are bunching! Also a purple cauliflower that we ate in the spring, we left it to straggle through the summer and now it's fall and it's regrowing another nice big head.

  2. Hi Ben, thanks for this, I remember your perennial video from last year, I've got many of those vegetables growing nicely now in my allotment ๐Ÿ™‚

    For the radicchio – how do you actually harvest it for the leaves ? It looks like it makes a head like a cabbage – do you literally snip off the whole head and the whole head will grow back next year ? Or do you have to take the outer leaves ? Any idea ?

    (note I will be growing it for the salad leaves, not for the roots)

    Thank you !

  3. I have a good ostrich fern garden already, the sorrel is showing up wild but I'm not so good at eating it. Still haven't gotten around to the others but I built a primitive plastic greenhouse (to save the tomatoes) and look forward to using it.

  4. Amazing video thanks! If you have more plants like this please share. I enjoy eating mallow in my salad. I love the taste. Also salad burnet, pansies, self heal, Silene taste good also, claytonia and my favorite cheek weeds! Thanks so much again

  5. BEN..!!!!!!.I love see the falling apple behind you. I can not imagine your country has beautiful home garden. I watch several channel from your country and every has an apple tree. So briliyant. In our country, apple is expensive and we do not have habit to grow our fruit even in our country side. Only a little of us understand about home gardening. Thank you for sharing with us here ๐Ÿ’

  6. I was really inspired by your video and planted perennial leeks and 9 star. The nine star have only produced leaves so far! Where did I go wrong?

  7. Fun fact! Chicory was used in New Orleans in the USA as a way to keep coffee from rotting. Due to the swampy area, coffee couldnโ€™t keep without it. It has a robust flavor so if you like a mild coffee, you may want to lessen the quantity.

  8. Hi Ben, love the channel, I bought some perenial kale this year, hoping to keep it going but unfortunately the catapillars got to it, I see yours is a nice size plant, did you have any trouble with butterflies? I was thinking about individual cages maybe

  9. I have heard of ostrich fern and I had horseradish in my parents' yard.
    Good king Henry is new to me.

  10. Cool, I live in Florida where ferns pop up everywhere in the shade. Good to know I can plant an edible variety on the shady side of my house.

  11. Where do you recommend to get chicory seeds or which seeds should we get? "Outsidepride Chicory Wild Flower & Forage Seed – 1/4 LB for $12.99" will that make edible leaves as well as roots?

  12. Ostrich fern (Strutbrรคken) is a woodland plant here in Sweden. You see it now and then growing thickly on the forest floor. I had no idea you could eat the shoots though. I'm definitly going to try some next spring!

  13. wow what an informative movie. Ive got some good king henry plants in my garden that i grew from seed – dont harvest them the first year they go out – give them a year to establish. All the rest are new to me but I really like the idea of perennials so Im gonna try them out.

  14. Psalm 7:9-10
    Matthew 1; Isaiah 7:14
    Exodus 17:15-16
    Revelation 3:7
    Psalm 40
    Matthew 23
    Exodus 9
    Hebrews 11
    Exodus 4
    Never be deceived…
    Living for Jesus…
    2 Samuel 15::23

    Genesis 25
    Genesis 22-24
    Genesis 15
    Genesis 14
    Genesis 10
    Genesis 9
    The REAL rainbow covenant…
    Genesis 6
    Genesis 2
    Revelation 15; 16, 18; 20

    2 Samuel 12:15
    Psalm 139
    1 Timothy 6:3-13
    Hebrews 13
    Acts 20

    Psalm 110
    Psalm 119:1
    Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.
    Galatians 4:4-6
    2 Samuel 12
    …I live by the faith of the Son of God…JESUS!!!
    Danger of being deceived
    2 Corinthians 11

    Praise Jesus!!!
    Acts 10:38
    How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with him..
    Diseases will happen from the beginning and to the ending of life…

    Wickedness all around us…John 3:19-20
    Job 13:4
    Mark 5:26
    Rev 22:15
    Jeremiah 46:11
    Hosea 9:7
    Psalm 103:3
    Luke 4:23

    …Cursed be the man that trusteth in man…
    Proverbs 6:16-20…


  15. I would have recommended totally different plants but I live in California. The only one I have not heard of is your heard of is "Good King Henry" but I love growing plants that are edible and delicious and not well known.

  16. If you fill your pots over the tray, your table remains clean … ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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