
Gardening Tips for January – Square Foot Gardening

Mel Bartholomew and Patti Moreno introduce Square Foot Gardening as the easiest most efficient gardening method you will ever find. Tune in each and every month to learn what to do in your garden to make sure it’s the most successful year yet!

More about SFG and our Non Profit Foundation:

Mel Bartholomew’s personal site:


  1. Thanks for the video! I can't wait to start my SFG! I'm in Tennessee, so my growing season is a little later than in California where you are. Thanks for the information.

  2. I am an Activity Director for a nursing home, and for the last 20+ years I have had done sfg with the seniors at whatever facility I have worked at. Using both on the ground and raised sfg's It has always been one of the most favorite activities that they do. You should see them "fight" over their own little square foot or two.. It's great. Looking forward to the monthly tips.

  3. Been a square foot gardener for 16 years and just read the all new book. Can't wait for spring to make Mel's mix and revitalize my garden!

  4. Very cutting edge. We will be modifying our raised beds to SFG this year. We love anything that increases efficiency and in our "dry" high desert environment, anything that reduces water usage is a b

  5. [darn laptop] . . . is a big plus. We ordered the book, too, and look forward to utilizing this great gardening technology.
    Now what are we going to do with our existing huge garden area used for traditional row gardening?

  6. Oh my gosh, I found you just in time! I really want to start a garden this year but I'm completely lost. Someone passed a google video explaining SFG and it is just what I'm looking for! I can't wait to get started, and I don't even have to worry about my crappy soil! Thank you!

  7. Good golly Miss Molly, has it been 6 years since this video came out? It featured two of my favorite gardeners and I was hooked on the monthly updates. I am back because I am building a new bed.

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