Backyard Garden

Backyard Landscaping – Training

Backyard Landscaping – Training
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Backyard Landscaping – Training
By StoneMakers™

StoneMakers™ has invented a way to transform a landscape using concrete. Our system makes building retaining walls, pavers, patios, outdoor kitchens, and waterfalls easy!

This is a glimpse of the BACKYARD LANDSCAPING training we held in Florida. There was 2 parts to the training. One was indoor (mostly classroom) training at our headquarters in New Hampshire. The other was held in Florida where we build a pretty awesome wall, fire pit, waterfall, bridge, patio, and more.

This video shows everything that was done during this BACKYARD LANDSCAPING training. From us building the walls to staining them. It even included interviews from some of the people who attended the training. The results were great and all our new dealers are excited to start building on there own!

They were able to pour 90 yards of concrete in a matter of days. Craft a massive waterfall. Create logs, bridges, and fire pits out of concrete. And finish this entire outdoor living space in only a matter of days. All the new installers are ready to go create their own BACKYARD LANDSCAPING spaces.


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  1. I firmly believe to the learning insights and bottomline of this video. Everyone would love to appreciate the conceptual framework of this craft. Thank you for extending such endeavor and brilliant ideas.

  2. I'm still trying to understand what this program is about? only thing I kept hearing was about how they finished the job in 3 days, nothing about the purpose of the program.

  3. looks like a fantastic field of work to get into, Missing my Veteran family. I know if I had just a couple of them we could accomplish anything. This was just amazing.

  4. Like so many videos, I have the volume set so I can hear what they are saying, then they play music too loud I have to turn volume down, the they start to talk and I cant hear them, so I have to turn volume back up, then back down when they start the music. Most annoying with so many videos on YouTube.

  5. looks great for three days work, three days work for 30 men is not three days anymore id love to do this kinda work

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