Garden Design

Garden Design Drawing and Painting: Behind the Scenes

Garden Ninja gives you a behind the scenes tour of how he creates his watercolour garden design renders. Giving you top hints and tips if you’re new to garden design or want to start painting gardens.

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Want to find out hints and tips that I use in my own garden? Then watch this guide and subscribe to my Youtube channel for more garden design hints, tips and hacks!

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Presented by Garden Ninja, Manchesters Garden Designer and blogger Lee Burkhill. He’s an RHS Award-winning Chelsea garden designer and expert panellist on BBC Radio Manchester’s Saturday morning garden phone in.

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  1. Hi, GN. Another great vid.

    I am interested in the new service. I have a huge square lawn over 4000 square feet which I would like to border for privacy and colour. A very shady, sometimes muddy and small small orchard area to which I'd like to add a small paved seating area. Then a carpark/backyard that's mostly grit and weeds. Are the online consultation start times your time or mine? Thanks.

  2. Just finished watching your design drawing and painting video and as always it’s brilliant and I know I am biased. It was me who said to you just after you started your design work that I thought your drawings were like a young artists drawing and I know when I explained you understood what I meant. Your drawing style instantly brings your designs to life and I can totally appreciate and see what you are creating. When I have looked at other designers digital designs, my simple mind can’t understand the overall design and the overall effect sadly is lost to me. I have really enjoyed and totally appreciated all your comments and explanations as you painted. As ever I am continuously amazed at all your design talents and constant new ideas. A very proud mum 🥰👍

  3. Great video mate. Really like your painting style. Apart from doing art at school years ago I haven’t done any painting like this since…. I just do a lot of painting rooms in houses and decorating. I find that super therapeutic…. people ask me why as there’s an awful lot of preparation in decorating but I’ve always liked doing it. I really should try doing something like this of my own garden. Make a good picture for the wall lol! I’ve also done loads of airfix kits so quite similar with types of paint brushes and watering down etc. It’s like a gardening version of a Bob Ross video 👍😜. Take care mate! Marc

  4. I love your style. By that i mean how and what you communicate. I have learned that a professional that i can ask questions of and get serious clear intelligent answers from is one its worth hiring! It means we can communicate, work out concerns, i can appreciate the ķnowledge and experience the professional has. Your willingness to explain share help your business. I find the communication built helps durring the issues the difficult parts of the project.

  5. Hi lee, I love all of your videos and this one makes a nice change to see you more relaxed along with inspiring people to look into doing a proper garden design before making a start. I am a good drawer, but yet to tackle water colours, I have the paints etc, so you may have just given me that little nudge 🤔 Keep up the great work and brilliant channel. God bless, Terry

  6. I’m coming into my 9th month as a Horticultural apprentice, but all I’ve done so far is use power tools. There’s a small garden area, next to the staff offices that has been neglected for years. I volunteered to sort it out and now I’m terrified! You make look so easy! I’m still not 100% sure on the theme. Your videos are helping though.

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