Gardening Supplies

How To Plan A Kitchen Herb Garden | Potager Style

We are getting some “professional” advice from our friends over at Just Dig It Farms. Tracy has an amazing Potager garden that we fell in love with and had to create one for ourselves. Luckily, Tracy and Gene were able to stay with us for a few days and help us get started! This will be a series that we are excited about and we will bring you all along with us at each stage of the process.

What is a potager garden? Potager gardens are a traditional “french style type of garden, they incorporate herbs, vegetables, ornamental plants, flowers, and much more.

What kind of design or layout should you have for your potager-style garden? There is no “specific” way to design these types of gardens. You want to make them intimate with living walls, pathways, and a sitting area, and we always recommend some type of archway for the entry.

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  1. Wood chips work good for pathways. like big fat wood chips. A thick layer and it will last for a few years, but it will also compost in, so it will need to be replaced every few years. Sign up for ChipDrop. They will bring you a load of chips for free. I just got a load of oak!

  2. Now Greg, you need to sit and enjoy the view of your herbal garden, take it all in, breath the air they produce. It is GOOD FOR THE SOUL! Hahahaha. Seriously, it is awesome to have a sitting area within an herbal garden. I had a small one with just one chair, but yeah. I can't way to see it!

  3. OOh, how about a Gazebo for the sitting area, kinda give you a bit of an elevation to view all the garden and enjoy your hard work. Yeah, Go Greg, Go.

  4. It just sounds like you need to draw out the Potager "rooms" that Tracy was calling squares. I imagine an aerial shot of the area would help peninsula. And I would take three different ones so you know what it looks like in the morning and afternoon and then the evening so you know which areas naturally will need shade plants and which ones can be planted with just about anything else and use the natural borders that you already have and then do what she says. Look at it like a candyland board from above and maybe get all your pathways worked out and then decide where you're going to put all your little beds and it might end up looking like a five leaf clover in the end! Or you may decide from up top it actually looks like a familiar shape and maybe the whole thing will look like a maple leaf or something I don't know. LOL but once that's worked out then to each separate area that would be perfect to add an arch and something climbing on it like clematis more sweet pea or some different vegetables every single year! I can't wait to have a larger area to do exactly what you're doing now. Walk around and think and dream and plan.

  5. You always need somewhere to sit and enjoy your garden!! Have coffee and plan the day or what is coming next in the garden, and enjoy the peace and quiet. And /or a place to enjoy a cup of tea or such and enjoy the coolness of the evening and maybe the sunset!

  6. OMGoodness this is going to be sooo much fun! Hoss you are so outnumbered with these two. Lol I’m just teasing. I can see that they will be the dreamers and you will keep them reigned in enough to bring it all to fruition. Great team!! I can’t wait to see it all come together and I actually do see y’all sitting together with a big bowl of chili and Mexican cornbread enjoying all your hard labor. Good luck and have fun! Makin memories 👩‍🌾♥️☀️

  7. Trying my hand hand at indoor herb gardening the basil has been killing it for two weeks ☺️The parsley and chives are doing somewhat ok. But that thyme dies after week still trying to figure that out. They are all transplants ☺️

  8. Just let her do whatever she wants Hoss ! One suggestion though. The entrance with the shady area on the left could be a nice place for your relaxation area. Nice arch trellis entrance with your chill area on the left. After thats is done you will develop many ideas as you sit and drink your coffee

  9. Question—if it is Mama Hoss’s Mother’s Day present why doesn’t she get the say and final decision of the project? Just asking? Lol

  10. So do you all plan to sell herb seeds now? Will be great if you do. I have herbs in my garden and in containers. Always on the lookout for new sources.

  11. I love this, yall 2 and the way the wife looks at you ha ha can't wait to see what yall come up with whatever it is know it is going to be beautiful..

  12. Greg her layout is cheaper than a divorce that what my wife told me. Today we have been married 49 years

  13. Tracey, do you ever get down to the Savanna area? We need some marriage…oops, Garden counseling! We're working on an almost identical project and I can't wait to see what yall do..I love the shed with porch idea so yall can sit out there after supper and enjoy your hard work.

  14. Omgoodness I can’t wait to see what you all can come up with so I can steal some ideas 💡 😊

  15. Greg, RUN, RUN, RUN!
    I would hire someone to put this garden together. You know if women had to maintain everything their ideas of what they wanted would be very basic.

  16. Greg, #1 priority for the Potager…….build that beautiful conversation area and hold Sheila’s hand and walk out to that conversation area and have a conversation!!!😂😂😂

  17. I just listened to our marriage disagreement, coming out of someone else's mouths. It was both strange and reassuring that it's more common than I knew 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. 🤣😂🤣😂I was rolling from the start! I love the grocery store example Hoss…it was perfect how women shop compared to men. I cant wait to see how it comes out…TBC

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