Gardening Supplies

Winter Sowing 2022 //Gardening at the Simongetti North

Hi Garden Friends!

In today’s video I am going to show Winter Sowing 2022. Have you started your winter sowing 2022? It’s a simple and easy process for winter sowing. Have you started winter sowing 2022? Leave me a comment below and let me know if you have or haven’t done this before.
Please enjoy my winter sowing 2022 video
Thank you for watching

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Eden Brothers
Herb Seeds

Seeds Now!!

Places where I purchase live plants online
Nature Hills Nursery

Blooming Bulb

Trellis’, Gardening Supplies and Fertilizers
Gardener’s Supply

Home Depot Garden Center

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  1. 5b Nice! We do winter sowing but haven't tried it in the plastic containers. Sounds like something worth looking into as it would be a great space saver. Thanks for sharing Chris!

  2. I did 125 jugs last season – all types seeds- hardy, tender, perennials- veggies, herbs, flowers. All but 20 or so germinated-those that did not were mostly flowers. I had hundreds of seedlings🥰. This year 120 jugs, 50% are flowers but more perennials. Hoping for a great germination again. I am intrigued with the two bins method. I will try that. Seems easier to clean and stack. I reused the containers from last year. They were not fun to use as they were misshapen after being stored in the barn. Bins would store better. Good luck. Great video.

  3. First time this year trying in zone 5a. Planted in Feb some in March and it mid April havent seen anything, but it's been really cold at night. I was just thinking I forgot to plant broccoli in the house and watching your video I believe I planted some in milk jugs!😁 If this works it will be a huge game changer for me. It is too warm in the house to grow seedlings. Used coconut coir to start and never had mold problem until now. Using a fan, but think the trays are too wet and the heat doesn't help. Can't wait to kick them outside. Because we all seem to be experiencing a very cold April I for the first time had to heat my tiny greenhouse. Plus side to small greenhouse is it's easy to heat with ceramic heater. We tested it the last 2 nights and we are holding at around 54-60°F when it's 25°F at night. It was a necessity because the bare root plants started to arrive and broke dormancy in a big way. Never ordered b4 and it was something I wasn't prepared for as I always bought local. Finding it increasingly hard to find varieties I want because they are sold out–and I started looking in February.
    My only question is when to start WS for my Zone? Concerned the seeds may rot. Also about placing them in direct sun out of wind. Some spring days are really hot and concerned the seeds may sprout too soon. What's your thought on timing? Mother Nature knows best? Thanks for video and jogging my memory about broccoli. I need to go check the moisture on the jugs.

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