Garden Plans

Sean's Garden: Plans and Planting Out Winter Vegetables

Ep19 June: Planting out brassicas and Winter Squash plus marking out the beds and borders. You can watch this video without adverts at

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#allotmentuk #seanjamescameron #gardeningforbeginners This video was recorded during the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


  1. I prefer to grow things from seed when I can. But if it’s a choice between buying transplants and having nothing then I’d definitely buy the transplants Sean. Good luck with implementing your new plans!

  2. I have put in Darkmar and fillabasket sprouts this year… I grew a load of stuff from seed but the squiggle went into the greenhouse and helped himself…The squash also took a hit. .. then it's been too soggy to plant anything for weeks…. Hoping for a bit of dry over the weekend. Maybe get the tomatoes in. I remember that melon you grew…. it was a right corker!

  3. Hello Sean, great to see some plants going in. I hope you have a good growing season. I am still waiting to see the plot i have been offered and looking forward to following your lead. Best wishes from Plymouth.

  4. Hi Sean , great update , I'm not a fan of No Dig but then I don't have an allotment, I follow Square Foot Gardening in my Raised beds but I do like viewing your channel along with others who have allotments to pick up pieces of info that will build on my knowledge of gardening, hope this doesn't offend you but I am being honest where I live we have allotments 200 yards away from my home but unfortunately they have an 11 year waiting list . Can I ask when you where planting your bought plants you said you stumbled across a ants nest but you continued as if this was OK, just curious Sean , keep up the good work 👍

  5. I like growing by seeds, although some times I do buy the a sneaky veg seedling lol. I'm growing sprout and kalettes this year, never done kalettes

  6. Really strange, random question Sean, but have you been back to Wales lately? Only reason I ask, is your accent seems to be a bit more obvious than usual … but maybe it's just me 🙃

  7. I try and grow a lot from seed but not all. I buy some plants from the garden centre every year. This year I bought some lettuce, celery, dwarf French beans and peppers. Absolutely no problem with that 👍🏻

  8. Really you would have to use a word like WINTER…..come on….maybe move the oak tree….that wasn't Rusty was it?….or his neighbor 🤔….I by all my brassica plants and grow everything else from see….climate here is a bit tough in early spring….

  9. Another great video. It’s good to see you pottering around on your allotment 😊 I do stuff from seed and buy other stuff as starts. I think it’s too late to plant out brassicas in my area, they’d be flowering in the blink of an eye with our heat. Thanks for sharing !

  10. Laughed out loud at the only thing coming down comment! Glad I sent having a cuppa at the time 😂 Great to see you thinking about what will be growing over winter ❄️

  11. It's looking good Sean. Keep up the good work. Have just started a batch of elderflower cordial this morning. How long does it keep in the fridge ? Thought i might freeze excess in ice cube trays for the summer.

  12. it's so hot & dry where I live, I'd enjoy just watching videos from a tripod in your shed pointed out, no talking needed, just the sound of rain & the occasional bird or fox would be enjoyable. Even a pan around the shed with shots of tea, etc , would also be nice.

  13. Oh the joy. I’m inundated with mares tail and bindweed. Benefit is the bindweed wraps round the thistles and makes them easier to pull out.

  14. I'll be planting my lettuce seeds tomorrow. We have lettuce-gate happening here in Australia. Due to recent flooding where lettuce is usually grown commercially, crops have been decimated and individual lettuce is selling for up to$12 a head ( halve that to get UK£ approximately)

  15. Too early for sprouts. We are 90F with heat index over 100. I plant sprouts in October or November. Have to remember to get seeds though.

  16. I've never understood why people don't enjoy getting rained in. It's easy enough to dry off at home. Oak my god, I can't believe you cut those trees. lol

  17. It's always a great feeling to get some crops into the ground isn't it. I'm growing Darkmar 21 sprouts too. I've grown mine from seeds and they seem to be stuck at a small stage! Great progress made there Sean, just keep gardening, just keep gardening 😊

  18. I do like buying some of my plants ready to go but I like to grow by seed mostly. I don't however save many, just beans and pumpkins others I don't, but I do let spinach and others go to seed and reseed the same area.

  19. Just discovered your vlogs, Sean James and I am really enjoying them! So nice to watch you plan, plant, walk about, and do general garden chores. Reminds me of when I had my own allotment a few years ago. I preferred to dig and pull rather than spray, and I also bought plants rather than seeds because our growing season is short here in Canada. I really miss my little piece of heaven, but you have brought a smile to my face today….thank you!

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