Front Yard Garden

Turning a Hill into a Flat(er) backyard pt/2

With 2 small kids and no place to play they needed a solution. We cut out the hill, install a retaining wall, flatten out the top and flatten out the lower portion and build them a new yard- start to finish.


  1. I think I'd need several hundred tons of dirt and a retaining wall to flatten my hill…

  2. Good video man, but please next video don’t waste that much time watching the bobcat I won’t watch the bobcat digging crap, just the process of the project

  3. I've got to ask (genuinely interested), why on earth would you dig so close to the house, that you exposed the bottom layer of bricks (which looked like they were sitting on bare dirt btw). Surely you could've started retaining a few feet away from the house.

  4. Looks Good! Wouldn't it have been easier to use sand for a base instead and string line the wall so they're able to work faster?

  5. Thank you for the video. I. M confused as to why there is no drainage pipe behind the wall

  6. How can we ask questions about a DIY design? I cant find a facebook platform, does dirty monkey have email?

  7. Awesome video.
    Questions: I live in Kansas and snow freezes 3 ft of dirt. Do I have to go 3 ft down? Do I need concrete footing or can I use that gravel you used on this video? thanks!

  8. I know you are on YouTube and I will never meet any of you in real life, but I can't help cheering for you like friends!

  9. This backyard is nice mine is bad it goes up hill eventually I’m going to do this and push the retaining wall farther back

  10. I have about the same type of yard except there is muddy area at bottom and the land is slowly sliding or sinking, its so we at the bottom there is a colony of crayfish. I wonder how much it would cost to make at close to level or under a 15% incline

  11. WHERE are you located? I have been looking for a reliable contractor to do the same thing. Just looking at the video if this had 6 ft or so. Mine I suspect is ranging 6 to 8 ft. It starts from what was once a concrete patio. Where can I find your contact info?

  12. You use way too much jargon here. This video is probably great for people who know what you're talking about and don't need to watch this video to figure out what they're doing. English would be great.

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