Garden Plans

Planting Shrubs and Perennials in the Lower Patio Garden – 🪴🌸🪴🌸🪴

After our recent hardscaping project was completed, I had a lot of new planting areas to design and play with. In this video, I’m planting shrubs and perennials in the lower patio garden. I’m hoping that this area will develop as a peaceful, quiet, and lovely spot for relaxation, reading, or just resting in the garden.




  1. As I was watching you plant I did think a third mahonia woud look great by the fence. Three would balance the fence post.

  2. LOVE the transplant, placement of the juniper there by your hydrangea, gorgeous! I like your idea of another bluepoint juniper with 3x more mahonia along the fence.

  3. Have you considered adding a Camellia Japonica and some hellebores? Camellia sasanqua (sp?), they can be beautiful.

  4. You have really nice changes coming. Perfect spot on the Pieris. The Acuba make a great back ground. Looking forward to the progress and you've given me some ideas of what to do in my space. Happy gardening!

  5. How about something with red/maroon foliage instead of the blue point along the fence?
    Dump the violets or keep them in a pot. They are a plague on the Earth with their spreading rhizomes!

  6. I also designed my garden my creating a new vista round every corner, and it works beautifully….until a large shrub decides to keel over and die, lol. But it keeps gardening interesting. And I like your idea of planting some taller shrubs on your fence line to create privacy and a more magical immersive feel – can't wait to see how your garden develops.

  7. Definitely another Blue Point Juniper along with a few more Mahonia would look great! 😊

  8. Ms Jenny – I don't know if you'll get 2 comments from me, one just disappeared as will this computer (back to Walmart!) once I finish here for the 2nd time. I too invested ($59.95) in a Pieris Japonica – aka Katsura bush back in Feb '22 – and it was drop dead Gorgeous! It's also one of the earliest bloomers and the blooms resemble Lily of the Valley flowers. Hey Jenny – when it comes time to dead head would you show us all how to do it! I've done my due diligence since 2/22, called my local nursery where I bought it and the cashier gal didn't know how or if to dead head. Right now the old blooms from 12/21 and the new blooms 11/22 are stacked on one another and if given another year it might look like a mighty mess. Whatever suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated…or we all can wait until 2023 to figure it out together. Again (like our beloved Cherry blossoms) only wish they would last longer. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Katherine 😊😊

  9. Greetings from SE Wisconsin Jenny. I like the idea of the mahonia growing as tall and wide as they do and I think it would be quite pretty to add a few more to your fence line and then see after. you get them in the ground if you need something else.

  10. Even the stinking software is 'broken' on my new laptop so I can't go back in and edit any typos or missing words. Gads I don't know how people used to use manual typewriters coupled with it being mimiographed using a "machine" for 50-100+ copies. As much as I hate having to learn a new cell phone every so often I'm glad I don't have to type perfectly. Thanks for all you do for us Jenny – sans typing our comments to you (lol) we love you AND YOUR NEW GARDEN AREAS – BEAUTIFUL!!! 🌻

  11. Jenny, you are so much fun. I would love to be your neighbor , it would be so much fun bouncing ideas for our gardens off of one another. You are getting so much done today! More Mahoning is a great idea

  12. Sunshine Ligustrum does well in my 7b zone. They are basically no care, give you beautiful golden color in sun or more lime green in shade. Easy to keep pruned. It would be a good hedge in front of the fence.

  13. Puttering around planting and transplanting to create a new bed is my absolute favourite thing to do in the garden. I vote for more mahonia, (I am also adding them in various spots in my shade garden) as I think that spot is possibly too shady for a bluepoint juniper. I suggest looking at camellias as well for that kind of part shade condition: the April series is hardy to zone 6 and they tolerate dry conditions very well once established.

  14. PS. I'd mix the planting along the fence, providing a change of colour and texture. And scented evergreens along that fence and near the patio would offer a scented as well as visual delight. I'm in the UK but would suggest Sarcoccocca Confusa, Osmanthus Burkwoodii, Pittosporum, and Daphnes for scent as well as screening and winter structure.

  15. Another mahonia would look nice!! And another Acura, then you’d have 3 & 3! And I love the idea of another Juniper!!!

  16. Love what you’ve planted and the promise of more along the way. I just adore the addition of color. Maybe a couple hydrangea bushes would be lovely. I enjoy your enthusiasm and the fun of what will be next. Thanks for sharing and the enjoyment along the way.

  17. My thought is one more mahonia-then finish out w/more of same holly you have at other end. Find new home for acubas.

  18. What about more hydrangeas next to the mahonia or replace the dead bushes with hydrangeas. I love the idea of a path. Can’t wait to see it all come together. Next spring will be fabulous!

  19. Its all looking good! Perfect spot for the Juniper! I would add another, i love the blue color 😍 I was gonna ask are you gonna have defined walking paths? Grass or brick? I know it will all come together and look great!

  20. I vote a line of 5 mahonia with one blue point juniper in front! Under plant the mahonia with purple heuchera or ajuga 😉

  21. Those mahonia will look great with several more added in the future. More privacy and I think mass plantings of one plant are restful on the eyes.
    While I love cottage gardens, sometimes I find them a bit busy.
    Minnesota got a dusting of snow this morning . It's already melted. I'm going to dig up my poor elephant ears and try overwintering them. So much for trying to save at least one as a house plant.
    I still hold out hope for more 60 degree temps 🌄 so I can put away my furniture and wrap plants to protect them from critters this winter.

  22. I love the work you have been doing in your yard. I think you need about three more Mahonia and one or two more Gold Dust to replace the dead shrub along the fence. Keep the great videos coming.

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