

If you want a workshop or garden but lack space here are some tips and encouragement.
In the last 15 years on YouTube, I have made over one thousand videos, nearly all of them in an apartment.
If you have a couple of storage bins, a folding table, a little vice, a few hand and power tools, and a comfortable chair to sit in while you’re thinking about what you did wrong you would be surprised at how much you can make on a balcony.
For years I had a business that sold my DIY underwater video camera housings, the NEMO 200. I would cut my plastic pipe into small pieces at my sister’s house in her backyard and take them to my apartment and turn them into camera housings.
You can also grow a lot of plants on your balcony. There’s nothing like sitting under a ceiling fan looking out on the water surrounded by a bunch of plants in the cool of the evening with your feet propped up and something while enjoying something cool to drink to make things feel a little better.
If you have any tips on establishing and maintaining a little workshop or garden in your apartment or home please feel free to leave your comments and tips in the comment section. Also, don’t forget to check out my hundreds of other videos on do-it-yourself projects and playlist on many other topics.

My DIY Video Playlist

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Robb Moffett
Robb’s Homemade Life


  1. That was great Robb. I can’t tell you how much I needed that.

    My whole life was demolished and I’ve been on my butt for seven years. Everything, and I mean everything was turned upside down ,shaken and stomped on.
    Natural disasters destroyed twenty years of work,and physicians seemed more intent on killing me than helping.

    I’m finally getting over the poisonings by doctors (they really should be locked up). I’m sure that faith alone , somehow , preserved an ability to keep a sense of humor and avoid the pitfalls of bitterness ,anger and despair

    That being said , I have a giant knot to untangle and an altered life to organize. This helped. Thanks bud. 👍

    BTW, I just stewed about a pound of blueberries. Actually, I bobbled the container putting them in the fridge, dropped it and they went everywhere. I picked them all up and washed them thoroughly, which beat them up a bit. I decided to put them in a pot with a little water and cook them. Holy freakin’ crap! They are awesome! I don’t think I’ve ever done that before. They don’t need a thing but eaten. I believe I’ll go polish them off right now. Good vid Robb. 👍

  2. Beautiful and well organized, I love it! I don't live near people and I have a lot of space, but I do appreciate organized small spaces. I might try the inventory system, might help my husband lol! Have a great day Robb!

  3. Great tips Robb! I don't even have a balcony in my apartment, so I don't start many projects here. I do grow a few things in back of our ground floor apt. though. I agree with you on the importance of an inventory system to keep track of things. I have had to buy things because I couldn't find the one I have, lol.

  4. Good tips, Robb. We are definitely on the same wavelength. I built my own shelving for the three locations I work out of and put everything I can on casters. Even the freezer in the garage. My storage unit is unusually wide, and with 36"-deep shelving on either side I still had a lot of dead space in the middle. Built three two-level rolling tables, 2' x 8' on heavy duty casters. I fill those eight feet high with boxes/totes and roll them around as needed. Seems like one of those sliding tile puzzle games sometimes. Utilize every cubic inch of the space you have. Also, regarding totes – it took me a while, but I sucked it up and now only buy clear totes. I find that this makes things less likely to disappear into the bottomless void of an opaque container. I also try to stick to the same tote system (in my case Sterilite clears) so that they are all uniform and stack neatly. I'm phasing out the random sized boxes/totes as I go. A place for everything and everything in its place.

  5. Hi Robb, good tips! Wondering where you bought the black stackable storage boxes? Thanks in advance.

  6. Solid advice there Robb. Organization is one of my weaker points admittedly, but i can appreciate a well organized workspace/area.

    And i agree big time on being comfortable especially now that we are in the summer. I have a fan i keep in my room, completely apart from the ceiling fan in my room. I like feeling chilly in bed during our summer season LOL 😂

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