
Time To Answer Your Questions! – Favorite Resources, Gardening Tips, Why No Hair, and More

Here is a fantastic new resource we encourage you to check out:
Little House Story Corner –

Some resources mentioned in this video:
Homeschool Curriculum –

Books for children:
Pathway Readers –
BOB Books –
Patricia St. John books –
Grandma’s Attic Series –
The Imagination Station –
Sugar Creek Gang –

Books for teens:
Green Ember Series, by S. D. Smith –
Douglas Bond Faith and Freedom Series –
Crown and Covenant Series –
Knights of Arrethtrae Series, by Chuck Black –

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Kip, Carrie, and Children

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  1. love your site , the children and mom and dad . i get so tickled at LITTLE bit while you are ans. questions . she is so funny and expressive

  2. I know what miss Ester is going through. I watch my granddaughter goes through the same thing. She has lost her hair multiple time.

  3. Me and my family does Torah for our religion in another since pretty much we try to follow Torah!

  4. ICR (Institute for Creation Research) also has quite a few homeschooling resources, though as a woman with no children, I can't tell you how they are. But I can tell you that after I came to Christ in my early 50s, after a conventional education which left me certain that evolution was true, ICR was instrumental in God answering my prayer "How can the Bible and evolution both be true? Please explain?" I am no longer an evolutionist. smiles If their youth resources are as good as their adult resources, they may be of use to you.

  5. We went on a WFPB way of life and my son at the age of 22 was already losing his hair. When we stopped eating dairy, meat, oil and sugar his hair started to grow back. Since then, my son decided that was not for him and has stopped eating this way, but my husband does eat this way still and his hair has grown back in some. It has taken a lot longer for my husband than it did for my son, but I'm sure that age has a lot to do with it. Now my husband and son did not have alopecia, I just thought I would share our experience of it with your family in case it may be helpful for you. I believe that Daniel in the Bible ate this way and I feel confident that the Lord led me to this way of life. There are many resources for this lifestyle but one of my favorite books would have to be How Not to Die, by Dr. Michael Gregar. I hope that you find this information helpful and I will keep you all in my prayers. I love your channel and find you all so beautiful, informative and entertaining.

  6. Ester-Pie has such a beautiful and pleasant countenance, made more clear by not having hair to distract from it! But because she desires hair, I pray that God will heal her and she will have a glorious head of hair sooner rather than later. God bless.

  7. So Glad We Have Found You. Your Answer On Faith Is Exactly As Ours. Scripture And Scripture Alone. Messiah Yeshua Bless You Always.

  8. Oh I've known a couple people who lost hair due to that ……….tell Esther Pie to just be patient it took some time but once it came in WOW!! I love your beautiful sweet soul 💜 love all the sweet kiddos!!!

  9. regarding flower zeal, I use be just focused on food only, until one year my mother in-law gifted flower 🌸 seeds and bulbs, and I discovered having those added ornamental flowers 💐 were not only beautiful but increased pollinators in my over all garden and made my most productive gardening years. 😊

  10. I found your channel doing a search related to Sukkot and then have explored a few other videos 😊
    I homeschooled my children all the way through, my eldest now with a family and homeschooling as well. And have enjoyed several of those books you shared over the years. Would enjoy any shares you have how you prepare for Sabbath 😉

  11. My mother in-law always said to sprinkle cayenne powder in garden beds so when cats lick their paws they soon learn that was not the place to go 😂

  12. Beautiful Esther Pie! My older sister grew up with Alopecia Universalis. When I was born she was 18 months, she had chicken pox. So she had to be separated from us until she was no longer contagious. Her hair began falling out right before she got chicken pox. Her hair has grown back over the years almost in male pattern baldness with an additional patch of hair on top of her scalp. Over time and stressful times in her life she would lose and grow hair back. During her pregnancies she would grow sparse eyebrows. She never grew eyelashes but a tiny few. She has always had the most unbelievable smooth and soft skin. We were so incredibly poor growing up. My mom worked so hard to provide. My brothers hair started to fall out at age two, but came back right away. Her daughters hair is very fine and thin but a full head of hair. Esther, just as well as my beautiful sister is so fortunate to have such a gorgeous face but their spirit is even more lovely. Our love of Jesus has been our strength and I am so thankful for knowing Him from a very young age. I would have absolutely loved to have grown up on a homestead just like yours! Beautiful family! Glory to God!

  13. We have sheep instead if goats because they are too intelligent and they are real houdini's. 😆

  14. Blessings and peace to your family,I am thankful to God that Esther Pie is healed in Jesus Name.
    I have been watching homesteading since earlier this year and this morning one of your video popped up,and I have watched a few already,this video really resonated with me when you were asked if you were Christians or Jews,your husband answered so wisely in that the church as we know it now is far removed from the Word of God in some of its doctrines.
    As he went in the Book of Acts,the Early Church were originally known as Followers of The Way and we know that Jesus is The Way,The Truth and The Life.
    I was brought to this knowledge and others in 2020,during lockdown the Lord has opened my eyes to a lot of fallacy in the church and the government.

  15. I relate so much to this! At 10:06 that is the main reason I'm not satisfied with any physical church I've been to. I LOVE my brothers and sisters in Yehováh but I want to KNOW Yehováh as best as I can. I want to follow Him with all my heart. I want to love what He loves and hate what He hates. I want to lay my life at His feet to use as He wills. Only then can I find true happiness, peace, joy…and the great things life has because only i Him is there Life.

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