Garden Design

Post-classicism in transition of Garden Design | LASD Studio

Post-classicism transition of Garden Design by LASD Studio

Philosophy of the design
Our idea is to free post-classical architecture of the house to transition towards modernism. In this way we will not have any concern, rules and fixed boundaries for the future of the site. Intention of the design is to give maximum freedom to the future unpredictability eclectic combination of different styles.

Our main principles for the design
A generation of landscape architects, environmental designers and ecologists have come together to create working principles that aim to create sustainable life on planet Earth.

Design with nature. This principle was first described by Ian McHarg, and has lately become recognized as key for ecological sustainability.

Evolutionary systems. Nature is a constantly evolving, never static ecological system with many interconnected processes.

Regeneration, and recovery of nature. We try to understand nature’s natural ecological processes and how to help it recover from the damage caused by humanity

Do no harm. All our materials and processes don’t harm nature, providing essential resources for future generations. Integrated system approach. We strive to create a balance between nature and humans as one united system.

A simple aesthetic. Nature is the inspiration for design aesthetic. Design will be natural, simple and sustainable.

Some of the main features
New entrance Experience
* regular Post-classical form
* Large water feature/art/sculpture
* welcoming transition zone
* bold statement that enhance existing Architecture

Garden path
* Path of garden experiences
* quality of forming a unified whole

Winter garden
* Pottery garden & sofa
* Observation point in winter time

Dining area
* Outdoor dining area for summer time
* experience of sanctuary garden
* space as installation during winter time

Existing driveway area
* Parking
* Existing concrete slab

Private lounge area
* sofa, coffee table and transition space

Parterre Garden
* Transition of classical to contemporary parterre
* 3 main focus areas: Trees, Open spaces & pool area
* evergreen planting with herbs & flowers

New large stairs to the garden
* dominant central line of the garden
* Experience of diverse spaces
* Large & bold steps to the deck

Pool area
* Large open terrace
* transition area between spaces
* Post classicism in transition with elements of
contemporary art

Open space
* perception of open space
* transition of emotional qualities

LASD Studio provides garden design, landscape architecture, urban design, and regional landscape design services internationally, based in San Diego, California.

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