Edible Gardening

Grow Medicinal and Edible Herbs in Your Garden – Medicinal Plants Introduction (Herb Garden TOUR)

Learn how to grow medicinal and edible herbs in your garden with this medicinal plants introduction of our homestead herbal garden spring tour. My favorite medicinal plants and their uses and their best growing conditions and tips. These also double as an herbal tea garden, score! 👇👇👇

How to Make Herbal Infused Oil with Dried Herbs https://youtu.be/Xa6ziDGN0U0

How to make Nettle Leaf Tea https://melissaknorris.com/wild-edible-plants-make-nettle-leaf-tea/

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea – Grow Your Own Herbal Tea & Fruit https://youtu.be/MWYxpihxbaE

My BOOKS (affiliate links):
The Made-from-Scratch Life: Simple Ways to Create a Natural Home https://amzn.to/2E95nIE
Hand Made: the Modern Guide to Made-from-Scratch Living https://amzn.to/2GFIBcR Full HERBAL use chart, growing and herbal recipes!!!

Let’s get social:
Pioneering Today Homestead Blog https://melissaknorris.com/blog/
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Grow Medicinal and Edible Herbs in Your Garden – Medicinal Plants Introduction (Herb Garden TOUR) https://youtu.be/WA5dwrz_QTM


  1. Awesome video, thank you so much! I would love to be half as knowledgeable as you concerning herbs. From growing to making oils, tinctures, tea's, etc. Yes please, have more!!!!

  2. I am really interested in having a serious medical plant garden. For all of the medical needs. Such as swelling, things to help with infections, cold flu, stomach problems, tooth pain, body pain, anxiety, stress, ECT, I especially want to use a plant that has the properties of asperin or Ibprophen. The works. But I Don't even know where to begin…. I feel a little overwhelmed. But I want to do it asap.

  3. OK i admit it. I seen this video on my youtube feed and watched the whole thing to see this pretty lady speak. If she wasn't quite so sweet and pretty I might not have watched. What a nice and pleasant girl she is with a helpful bit of information.

  4. Melissa, thanks for the informative video on Herbs. I have several herbs started from seeds in my grow room. The cool weather herbs are being hardened off as we speak and will be going into my new Green Stalk. The remainder in my raised beds. Zone 5b suburban Chicago.

  5. Yes please. More videos and information on herbs would be great. Thank you 😊

  6. I plan on incorporating medicinal herbs into my balcony container garden. Your video helped because I am looking for plants that will thrive in mostly/partial shade. It appears stinging nettle is one.

  7. Best video I’ve found so far! Thank you so much for your great video, I liked and subscribe d, and look forward to gaining more knowledge in your other videos.

  8. I over indulged on some chocolate, I had a very upset tummy!! I went out to my garden cut a few mint leaves made me some tea I got instant relief!! I highly recommend growing mint. I recommend growing them all.

  9. Please don't grow marijuana like my neighbor. It stinks and smoking it will make you go looney 🥴

  10. Medicinal herbs are a invaluable aspect of gardening. Big pharma is not the best to rely on yet there is much to learn and some known but hidden for manipulation of profit. Even a apartment dwellers with a balcony can grow a few potted plants. I recommend growing something as it connects people to the majestic aspect of creation. Ah, stinging nettles, full of nutrients. I wondered if you caught onto nettles so good for you. I'm listening as I write. "Northern Exposure," … When I was a teen a woman teaching school who was a writer seeking to break in and said she was working on a big project asked me to do some labor work for her. She purchased a small home in west Seattle and I did some hefty landscaping. I was asked to accompany her to Rosylan Washington where she owned a bar to get a rolltop desk from it's basement. Cutting to the chase she wrote the old tv series Northern Exposure under a psudonym. Let's just say she was interesting, never boring.

  11. Hi Melissa. I just happened onto your channel, and I’m so glad. I used to have an herb book but for the life of me I can’t find it. I have used various herbs in pregnancy. One of the herbs my midwife recommended was red raspberry leaf tea throughout my pregnancies. I took some other herbs mainly in capsules. I can attest that red raspberry leaf tea helped to strengthen my uterus in preparation for labor. I don’t know if I would’ve had short labors anyway but, drinking red raspberry leaf tea throughout my pregnancies helped tremendously. Despite all but one of my doctors, I was warned that I would have horrendously long labors. My pelvic measurements were quite small. However, the rundown of my labors, beginning to end, is : Baby #1 : 5 hours (pushed 2 hours) weight 8 lbs 12 oz (home-birth). Baby #2 : 2 hours (pushed only 2 times) weight 10 lbs 0 oz (home-birth) midwife didn’t make it in time. Baby #3 : 4 hours (pushed 3 hours) weight 8 lbs 7 oz (hospital birth with vac-assist due to asynclitic presentation). I began pushing 1 hour into this labor. If his head had been aligned properly I likely would’ve had him in 1 hour. I didn’t require suturing with any of my births….we used hot compresses to bring blood to the perineum to help it stretch better and reduce tearing. I had only slight superficial tearing with 1st and 3rd babies. Incredibly, my 2nd birth (with the 10 lb “Sumo Wrestler” baby), I had an intact perineum! So, yeah, I’m pretty sure the herbs I took in pregnancy and labor helped immensely. With my 1st baby, we had our 6-week checkup, and the same doctor who told me I would be in labor for hours and hours, asked the the labor went. I don’t think he believed me. I told him “Well, I have my midwife’s labor notes right here. Would you like to read them?” The look on his face was like, yeah, lady…..dig your butcher knife in a little more. He weighed my baby and mumbled “this can’t be right.This scale probably needs to be recalibrated.” So, he got another baby scale, the weight was exactly the same. I don’t think he liked that very much. I looked him right in the face and said “See, doctor, sometimes doctors CAN be wrong, can’t they?” I definitely don’t think he liked that either.

  12. Yes Melissa, I am very interested in learning about herb growing an uses an natural remedies,thanks so much!😊

  13. Very interested in growing and harvesting natural medicinal herbs along with other gardening. I've ordered many of the books and have paid for the education sessions. Excited

  14. I love stinging nettles, I actually bought seed this yr, so thank you for the growing tips as I haven't planted yet, so that really helped to decide where to plant. I love echinea w my neetles makes a great healthy tea. I actually suffer w arthritis and fibromyalgia, this combo tea makes such a difference, with a little local honey. Happy camper

  15. I really want to start a medicinal garden! So far , I only have lavender, lemon balm, and chives so far.

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