Garden Plans

End of Summer Tour & Winter Garden Plans || Black Gumbo

I’m so glad to be back. In this video I’ll show you how the garden looks at the end of summer. We will harvest sweet potatoes. We will look around and see what’s growing, and then I’ll discuss the seeds that I intend to plant to carry me over the winter. In zone 9A, a vegetable garden can be grown year-round in most years. If we have a mild winter, these crops should carry me all the way to the spring, and some of them even beyond. In a time where uncertainty is in our future, having even the smallest garden can give one some comfort and perhaps even provide food for your family.


Black Gumbo shares our suburban, backyard, sustainable gardening efforts. We work a small-scale, typical Zone 9a garden and raised beds, the kind of gardening accessible to all. We tend to take the slice of life approach and hope you will enjoy our family, our dog, our cooking, our adventures, and occasionally some commentary and advice. We love family, joy and friendship, and we invite you to enjoy these things with us!

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  1. enjoyed your garden tour to bad about the rats eating your sweet potatoes they would of been some good ones but you still got a good harvest looks like your other variety's sound great as well

  2. Glad you are back, Scott… And sorry you have been having a rough time with the weather. We have been having heat waves and fires here in Northern California, and the garden has been suffering as well. But yep, not giving up! Nice to live in a gardening zone where we can garden year round! Counting blessings!

  3. Nice results with the sweet potatoes. We tried to grow some very close by(LC) and ours all died out bu early July. I had 40% shade cloth up but it eventually fell down after some high winds then missed a few days of watering and that was the end of that experiment.
    I'm going to do the same with waiting for the fall/winter garden until after Beta rolls through this week. I usually have better luck in cooler weather so hoping for a decent crop over the winter.

  4. Yay it's cooled off in lower Alabama! Im glad you are doing well. Sally was no joke. We lost power for a bit but Baldwin county Alabama got hit really bad. Sally stripped my main okra crop so those plants are gone. I already started my mustards, kale, and turnips.

  5. I just got a rat in my garden with a T-Rex rat trap from home depot. Got to keep it where the dog can't get to it since I use peanut butter for bait. Works ever time.

  6. Hi , Yes I was wondering if you were well … I started lettuces , radishes , broccolis are nearly ready , squashes are doing well , still harvesting tomatoes and turnips , beets … and I bought myself a fig tree “Brown Turkey”… put it in a large pot . Thanks for the inspiration. From 🇬🇧

  7. Welcome back Scott. Looks like your summer garden has done really well. Do something about the rat. He's not gonna be small long eating like he is. Be safe during your upcoming storm.

  8. Good morning! I also live in zone 9a and we just had Sally pass through. After four days our power was restored. We are so thankful for the linemen who traveled here to help us get back to normal. All my seedlings took a tremendous beating and I'll be replanting all of them this week. I don't know about tomatoes, though. I may give a few of them a go and see what happens just out of curiosity. Thanks so much for the video, I love seeing what other southern gardeners are doing. Stay blessed!

  9. I deal with morning glorys too. I didn't realize how invasive they were…. I saw a pretty flower and heart shaped leaves and didn't have the heart to tear them out, and now my rosemary bush in the front is buried in them! I think it will pull through though.

  10. Our neighborhood cat moved away and I didn't realize how much he was keeping the rats at bay. They ate my sweet potatoes too. I had heard that you can overwinter slips by rooting new slips cut from the old plants and I'm going to give that a try to get a jump on next year. I may even put a few in pots and bring them in over the winter. They ate my yard long beans too, but left the lima beans alone and those are still producing. Blessings!

  11. Excited for this video 😄 love that you went over the varieties that have worked and some new ones too❤ And hi to Sam, the best garden helper💚

  12. Have you every heard of tree collards and tree spinach ? Good to see you back. I love figs but can’t get my tree bare fruit 20 Yrs old. I think critters are getting them.

  13. Had a bit of insomnia last night and I watchedseveral of your videos they are very helpful. I’ve been an occasional gardener and recently planted seeds that never sprouted I’ve never had that happen! But from what you said I think we got to much rain , we started a new batch and are putting them in the garage. I am looking forward to your video on planting seeds!
    Happy Sunday!

  14. So glad your back Scott missed your videos but understand about the heat and humidity it's been bad in Florida.

  15. I live on the west coast of Florida and it's rained everyday for weeks! I lost all my potatoes and sweet potatoes. Yesterday was the first sunny day we've had and when I dug them up, all I found were skins. Only 2 sweet potatoes made it. It was my first time trying and I was so disappointed. However, it's because of your video, 5 Things They Don't Tell New Gardeners, I was able to handle the disappointment. I started my garden one year ago this month and your advice about understanding the challenges has stayed in my mind through this year. I knew I'd lose the potatoes. I would just look out my window each day knowing, but your advise helped. Thanks so much for making that video!

  16. Thanks for the videos. We just cleaned up the summer garden and did some winter planting. My garden is small, three raised beds and some big pots. Put the garden in this year because of the crazy world right now.

  17. Welcome back . I am glad you have made it through the rough summer . I think I am going to try sweet potatoes next year. Stay safe and healthy. Oh and that boy sure is growing fast. WOW!

  18. So glad to see you back. I have a question about figs. I have four about 2 foot tall. They were started from cuttings and once I thought ready, I put them in the ground. They look healthy and happy BUT are becoming overtaken with other plants and they need more sun to be happy. Can I dig them up and pot them so I can move them? Would I be slowing them further by digging them up? I just don't know how to give them the best care.

  19. We share a fence with a 10 acre goat pasture thats been without goats up until recently for the better part of the year. due to that, the growth of the grass was over 4 feet tall, and we started noticing all our potatoes being borrowed into and destroyed. finally found the root cause: VOLES! or field mice in some areas, were free to travel without fear of getting eaten due to the high high grass.
    I bought some no kill traps from Amazon and filled them with peanut butter. caught 1 so far. you should try them, just search Authenzo Humane Mouse Trap. glad you are back!

  20. We have this weed in the UK, but we don't give it that pretty name… We call id Bind Weed and must be pulled out at every opportunity.
    Even in the UK we are growing things. I've got some purple sprouting broccoli, winter spinach, pack choi, leeks, winter lettuce in and I will be growing pea shoots in my heated porch for salads too… If you're are gardener, you have to give it a go, even if you fail. My second year of tomato growing failure outside this year, but the inside ones did well… damp and warmish weather brings the blight again. I got a few off them before it hit… now they are all in the bin.

  21. Hope you guys didn’t get hit too hard from tropical storm. We are getting a lot of rain here too. Waiting as well for the rain to subside to plant, but have my above ground gardens ready to go. Sweet taters look good and love those peppers.

  22. So glad I found your channel. Your growing zone is close to mine (south Florida). We basically don't have a "frost date". Stay safe; hope TS Beta isn't raining out your crops! God bless!

  23. Good to see you, your Son, and your sweet Phobe are back. I will be planting some lettuce and spinach this week. I wanted to plant earlier but I knew Beta would wash my seeds away. I planted purple hull and cow peas but they’re not growing very fast, so we’ll see. Thank you for you encouragement Scott. I had rats get several tomatoes this year. First time ever. Now we’re dealing with moles and sod web worms in our St. Augustine. I love to garden so you have to take the good with the bad I guess. It’s still worth it.👩‍🌾

  24. hi im paul im from philippines i like your doing…. you inspired me how to make small garden in my back yard and start collecting some leaf around..

  25. I cant catch a break from the rain. I have all my tomatos, peppers and some cabbage thats ready to go but have had such heavy flooding rains i was scared id lose all them if i planted them out. Suppose to have clear skis this week so hopefully the weather mans right. Is there anything that you know of that i could give my plants to boost them after days of heavy down pours? I have my garden in ground and i made mound rows. Seems to be helping but maybe thought a boost of some kinda fertilizer maybe would do them good just not sure which to give them.

  26. Trying to plan ahead for fall by making sure I have the seeds I wanna grow. This was helpful. Discovered some more seed suppliers too. Thanks Brother 😊

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