Edible Gardening

Interesting! Found Several Edible “Weeds” And Plants In My Front Yard

It is so wonderful to find such sustenance in your very own front yard. I’m thrilled and it has sparked more creativity in me. It’s time to take out the old tree stumps, till the soil, add a wood garden bed and grow more medical “WEEDS”


  1. Shalom Elder. Love all that you found in your home front. How much is that app? Thank you for sharing.

  2. I would love to know how that fig got there. Lol, that’s not the same one from your garden, is it?

  3. I have crows and jays that love to hide food in my yard, as a result I now have a berry plant and peanuts growing 😂 I provide them water and some food, and they leave me presents ❤️

  4. Greetings Elder,
    Glad to see this video clip. I have a dry front yard here in Vegas, (no desert landscape for me,) had planned on clover as it’s water requirements are not as heavy.

  5. I have the mock strawberry in the yard. Was told it was poisonous, so glad to know it is not. Have noticed the birds do not eat it. It is very pretty, but invasive.

  6. Do you have any videos on problems with peach trees? I'm unable to find them. Thank you!

  7. Shalom Elder Yehudah I truly love the app every where I go I’m scanning trees flowers weed I’ve learn so much especially in my yard definitely worth having

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