Container Gardening

Container Gardening in pots

Laying out pots and filling with dirt in advance of spring planting time.

Please watch: “SPRING Into Action”



  1. boy sure woulda been nice to have that when we were doing wheel barrel after wheel barrel on the raised beds and other garden area or even when we were wheel barreling couple tons of crush up the driveway or to walk ways …nice share 🙂

  2. I just love your channel. Thumbs up and shared. Wow…That tractor is hugh. Great video quality as usual. On point.

  3. I get a lot of soil in a similar way. I find low areas in the timber where leaves pile up and decompose for years. It's like free compost for the taking.

  4. That's a great idea to save money! We have woods next to us that we can use to add to our compost. What all do you add, and how do you decide what to add?

  5. Just thinking what all kind of stuff do ya plant in those pots I usely plant all my stuff in the garden but this has give me some ideals

  6. I been thinking about doing this myself since having a heart attack this past fall. I do small raised bed gardens as well as a regular garden but I'm seeing I may not be able to do the regular garden anymore or maybe not till next year . I can't do without the garden because hubby missed lots of work to take care of me through this. Looking forward to seeing more videos on this and your harvest from it.

  7. I have done the same thing because I have bad hips and I can't get down and plant and harvest etc. I filled the bottom with prince ones sticks and wood chips like a hugelkultur. Then compost and manure then cover with leaves pine needles or wood chips like the back to Eden method. Works great!

  8. We have a giant pile of rotting stumps and poplar logs from five years ago. It's not quite rotted enough yet to do anything with it. We plan to fill old logging road ruts with ours. As always, great advice!

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