Garden Plans

The man who plans to renovate his house and garden at the age of 60 – Amazing renovate

The man who plans to renovate his house and garden at the age of 60 – Amazing renovate – Extreme skillful construction worker


  1. Wow look at this talent it's so amazing .the renovation beautifully done. The art work is stunning.. ❤️ I am so glad to watch this video.. May be the other people will truly can learn something great from this man. 🙏❤️❤️❤️👍🎉🎉

  2. Какой талантливый мастер! Очень одарён Господом. Просто наслаждаешься его мастерством и по дереву,и по камню, и по металлу.Уникальный мастер.

  3. This man is truly talented! Love all his creations….so beautiful! I hope you do more videos of your creations. Hello from Minnesota USA

  4. Amei . Principalmente os móveis. Só não gostei das paredes muito escuras. Acho que uma cor clara deixaria o ambiente mais leve e deixariam os móveis mais aparentes.

  5. Огромное спасибо! Подскажите где рождаются такие умные рукастые мужины? Мне б такогооооооо. Вы супер!!!😊😊😊

  6. He is the second person I have come to witness ( the first person I saw who built a bamboo house fully on leaving city channel) their craftsmen, talent n hardworking man shows another class. Though he doesn't look like 60's but his work and experience shows that he went through lot of hard time of life. May b I'm wrong but i felt that talented people always face hard time of life. May Gold Almighty bless him.

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