

Welcome to my allotment gardening channel. My name is Emma and these vlogs are my allotment diaries. This is my second year on my plot. I’m learning as I go and would love for you to follow my journey by SUBSCRIBING to my channel!





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TIKTOK: @emmasallotmentdiaries


  1. Hi Emma, you're bendy shovel just happens to be bendy spade, something you missed off your list are hooks for your shed so you can hang your tools up after using them, how many times this year have you lost something also plant labels and get into the habit of labeling your seedlings. It's good to see you happier and looking forward to next year.

  2. The only tools I use are much the same as you wheelbarrow, shovel, rack, scissors (although I have got secateurs, like you a reach for scissors more often), hands tools (mini fork and shovel), dibber I made out of a broken lawn edger, big mallet for putting in stakes and those blue ikea bags are idea for gathering up rubbish or stuff for composting.

    Also can we have a compilation of all the times you losing it at the plot, so funny and relatable watching you kicking the wheelbarrow or smashing the rack ๐Ÿคฃ

  3. Fantastic list, thanks! I totally agree with doing it on the cheap, I find it makes it more fun and rewarding. Only thing I'd add is a hand trowel. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. My latest go to tool is a bulb planter, not just for bulbs but planting seedlings, it makes a good size hole and then you can drop the soil back around the seedlings.

  5. I'm glad you featured the old tools you used. I know it's probably late to plant Christmas Dinner veg, but is that worth a vlog for us very new to gardening. Thanks, love your channel

  6. Just being a little pedantic, but your shovel is a spade, spade is for digging, shovel is for shovelling and also has sides to the blade ๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸคญBut love your list and your enthusiasm, keep up the good work, I would just add a garden trowel.๐Ÿ˜Ž

  7. The three tools I use almost exclusively are secateurs, a dibber and a hori hori knife. Lovely video once again emma!

  8. Great list! I would add a club hammer – they're cheap and invaluable for banging in stakes and even nails, knocking things apart, much easier to use and more effective than a hammer. Also you can sometimes get secondhand tools cheaply at markets or from buy and sell sites. Being frugal is fun!

  9. Fab vlog, would add check out the sales at the end of the growing year, I got 145ft of trellis go 90p ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Have a small bonfire, put your rake in it and leave for an hour, using gloves remove the rake and hey presto the wooden bit stuck in the end is gone and you can put a new handle on it. Better for your back to use a long handle and still re using an old tool.

  11. Great vid emma.when it comes to alloments you dont wont to spend money on them theres so much stuff on free ads get permission to get stuff to reuse from skips. My third greenhouse I built from scratch I got all the timber for free off cuts from work and skips.
    Also good old well made old gardening tools get from car boots. One thing I do is buy old gardeningbtools from boots and bring them back to there former life you can pick them at reasonable price there built to last and i prefer old tools myself lot better than some of the cheap rubbish they turn out today.
    So yes reuse repurposed and make alloments as cheap as you can and enjoy growing that's what's it's all about.
    Take care and all the best

  12. My bendy tool is an old hayfork. Wish it had a shorter handle but it was my uncleโ€™s and I donโ€™t waNt to mutilate it. My favorite tool is my loppers. I think what you had was a hedge trimmer, maybe. Second fav is a four pronged digger that I can reduce/pulverize piles of dirt like mole moundsโ€”โ€”it rip through them easily. Love my shovel too. This is my third year gardening and I have invested in some nettings and trying to construct trellises, etc. I am NOT a carpenter. Love using pallets. I build myself a 8×10 foot deck off my greenhouse. I filled in the gaps in the pallets with boards I could scrounge. Sooooo the deck surface is uneven. I love it anyway. Repurposed my dadโ€™s old water trough he used for cattle 50-60 yrs ago. Now growing blueberry plants in it. So much fun. I have my husbandโ€™s old gas grill I keep eyeing, trying to decide what to do with it. Grow salad greens in the old fire base? Store soil underneath? Maybe. Thank you for the entertaining and thought provoking video.

  13. Such a good video! When I first started, I thought I needed lots of things but once I got going, I realised you could get most things done with just the basics!

  14. Emma, your channel wouldnโ€™t be nearly so entertaining,funny, & relatable if you had all the appropriate, expensive tools.

  15. Always love your videos. Yes I love finding things to repurpose. I tend to add things to my list of tools at end of season sales.

  16. You can get really good second hand gardening tools and supplies from marketplace. I got my garden fork, cloches, and pots that way.

  17. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

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