
Beginner Gardening Tips for a Successful Garden – Grow Your Own Food!

Here are my top tips for beginner gardeners to help you grow your own food. Using these tips you can start small and eventually achieve the garden of your dreams!

See my guide for beginner gardeners to help you get started growing your own food successfully:

Free Seed Project Gardening Guide

Watch: The Easiest, Most Abundant Edible Plants to Grow in a Garden – Gardening in a Cold Climate:

Filmed by and photo by Ornella Le Rouzic – @ornellalr on Instagram –
Edited by Daniel Saddleton

Rob Greenfield’s work is Creative Commons and this content is free to be republished and redistributed, following the terms of the creative commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license. Learn about Creative Commons and see the guidelines here:

Rob Greenfield is an activist and humanitarian dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world. He embarks on extreme projects to bring attention to important global issues and inspire positive change. 100% of his media income is donated to grassroots nonprofits.
His YouTube channel is a source to educate, inspire and help others to live more sustainable, equal and just lives. Videos frequently cover sustainable living, simple living, growing your own food, gardening, self-sufficiency, minimalism, off the grid living, zero waste, living in a tiny house and permaculture.

Find Rob Greenfield on:
Instagram: @RobJGreenfield
Twitter: @RobJGreenfield

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  1. your way cool i am now a size 6 or under i am changed to less shopping. you and freakin frugal are the best.

  2. My parents dont believe I can make money from farming even though I seem to have a severely green thumb. Can you help me convince them?

  3. Keeping to baby steps as I've tried growing tomatoes, mint, chillies, oregano, avocado and an apple in the past… all started off really well, but all died at the vegetative state which has been really down-heartening. Started growing a single celery this time, from cutting the base of a bought celery. Leaves are growing but it's getting really thin at the base. Just going to watch and learn from it! Tried doing my own small bucket of compost too, but a cut up onion and leek have actually started sprouting, so I planted them properly, and just seeing how they turn out as well. Not using any fertiliser or insecticide, just used copper tape around the bucket. Can't wait to see how it all goes. Being in Yorkshire, it always rains, hardly ever any sun and my garden is in the shade of houses opposite, so any tips much appreciated!

  4. Perennial vegetables are some of my favorites. Growing a bunch of perennial greens and each year I'm adding more perennial vegetables to replace the annuals. Just so much easier and take so much less work.

  5. I just subscribed!!! You're videos are exciting & I'm sharing your channel!!! I look forward to learning from you. I just started my first garden in pots that I've been able to be successful at. We're in SC & just moved to one acre of land. I have what we're doing on my new channel I just started. I want to play & learn about dehydrating foods. I just today made my FIRST Tomatoe sauce with my garden tomatoes & NO SALT or junk. I can't wait to see all your videos!!!!!! Keep them coming. 🤗🤗🤗 Please check out, like, comment & subscribe to my channel. 😁😁😁

  6. Rob, you look like Filipino eat grass.The more you eat grass the more losses of hair.Growing and Foraging ja, it's great now in my backyard.

  7. My state and I think all states have an Agricultural Extension Service affiliated with your states land grant college (ours is North Carolina State University) that has on-line charts, timelines, variety information and growing recommendations for vegetables, berries and fruiting bushes, fruit and nut trees, farm crops, grass and landscaping all specifically tested for not only your state but even more specifically your region in your state. They have an INCREDIBLE amount of information, all current, scientifically tested and proven. You can also go to their offices (we have one in every county) and get some of the most popular information in printed form as well as soil testing and disease and pest identification for free or a nominal cost.

  8. Fruit trees, bushes and vines yield much more for your effort than seasonal gardens. I have sacrificed my focus on annuals in recent yr.s to get more trees and long term things going so I can later put more back into seasonal vegie garden and still have ever increasing fruits and nuts. (tho I have to have tomatoes, peppers and a few other things regardless)

  9. I recently got a mint plant from my neighbors, who have a huge garden. It died within 2 months, I suspect some sort of fungus or mold. I did everything right, and it still died, I got really sad because mint is so easy to grow. This video really made me feel so much better about it, keep it going!

  10. Am on here on Youtube searching for gardening tips and happy that i found this video!

    my wife and i have just recently rented gardening tools from (i wonder if anyone has heard of this) at an amazing fee and we cant wait to follow these now that's winter is starting

    so thank you !!

  11. Took a notebook and Went to visit some people in my village with amazing gardens. Asked, took notes, and indeed, One also gave me a juge amount of lettuce, the other Giant beets, and the third kept feeding my 3yo carrots and parsley.

  12. Hi Rob, I'm about to start planting, I choose mushrooms like volva and oyster. And plants that can live in pots. Until I can buy my own land to create my garden. Thank you for inspiring me.

  13. We try to buy our plants from our local high school Agriculture students- we got several surprises this year but oh well. If you’ve ever noticed when buying “out of season” produce the taste is like eating cardboard.

  14. Great Rob! This video can lower the threshold to start growing your own food. As a permaculturist ( I'm a student of Matt Powers) I learned a lot about growing food abundantly and understand a lot of aspects of soil fertility and plant care in the long term.
    But it may scare people because there is so much knowledge needed… Putting it the way you do can help so many people. Thanks for that!

  15. I really like your channel and the way you live. I do have one thing that caught my attention! Please if you can remember because, old habits die slowly; if you can not use BLACK as a negative description (Black Thumb)of inexperienced gardeners. Black and Green are both beautiful.😌

  16. I tried blueberries as a starter but it died, fortunately I also grew cucumbers (which thrived but it got choked out by weeds due to me leaving my house for a month). It showed me that I was able to grow something to harvest, though both eventually died I did eat my first homegrown cucumber, it was bittersweet. Literally.

  17. THANK YOU for the tip on just looking up a planting schedule for your city! I'm a complete beginner, and excited to start some tomato seedlings tomorrow now that I know I'm in the clear!


  19. I totally forgot you were in my backyard (I live in Plant City & garden in Haines City too)…I'm adding some of your videos (alongside many David the Good videos) to an educational playlist I'm going to use in a gardening campaign I'm starting.

    P.S.: My daughter is now obsessed with your garden, since she learned it's in Orlando, she is beginning her journey of growing produce, and proud of herself.

  20. Hey Rob, thank you, you are the one who inspired me to mini garden and now I have three mini plot with avocado, bitter gourd and, ginger in our backyard

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