Garden Plans

New Garden Plans and Replanting Fruit Trees Before Winter

Hello Friends! Welcome back to Hollow Acres! My name is Stephanie. I took some time for myself today, sat in the garden and thought about all the things that went wrong this year, all the things i want to do differently, and how i plan on transforming the garden gate entrance. Some rodent dug up my Trees… again. I’ve got to replant them before they die!
#hollowacreshomestead #gardenplanning #garden #luffas #outdoorsitting #fruittrees


  1. Hi Hollow Acres Fam. We're having the same issue with "something" biting the tops off our papaya trees. We haven't figured out if it's rabbits or what. The digger marks are most likely Armadillos. We have a bunch of dig marks down around our chicken run. It's crazy. We finally got into a 5.25 acre place and planted 5 gardens in July. We have corn, spinach, zuchs, gourds, watermelon, morning glory and lots more. The papaya culprit doesn't touch any of them. Just papaya, and not even all of them. There are a few particular trees that it focuses on. As for the Armadillo's, they're tough to get rid of. Georgia Forestry folks suggest, if you trap them, dispatch them rather than relocating. Being that we're in Sumter area, we're following that guidance just without the trap. Please do some research on Armadillo's if you find out they are on your property. They may carry the leprosy virus. Yuuck… Cheers. ~Mike and Ester~

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