Front Yard Garden

How to Clean Out A Flower Bed from Start To Finish

Similiar Tool Used in VIDEO

Cleaning out an overgrown, weed filled flowerbed is one of the most daunting tasks in the garden.
In this video, I show how I cleaned out one of my fairly big beds. For pulling weeds, I used a small hand tool for a little more precision due to having some small plants I wanted to keep intact. I lucked out and was able to do this in cool weather, just after a rain. The work was halfway comfortable and easy because the ground was soft and the weather was great.
It’s always a good idea to tackle these kind of tasks as early as possible in the season, and take them on one by one, little by little. When the Spring actually comes, you’re not overwhelmed by a bunch of huge clean up in your Garden!
Hope you enjoy the video ! New mulch always makes a bed look nice!


  1. Aww! Your kitty is so cute. I can tell you love them a lot. How is your garden bed doing by the way? Did any weeds or grass sprout out from the mulch?

  2. Once you are finished pulling out all the weeds and laying your fresh mulch down,then lay out chicken wire across your flower bed and it will keep the cats out of your flower bed. Cat's do not like stepping on any wires or aluminum and they will not poop in your flower bed. I had to put chicken wire in my flower bed last year and I haven't had to clean my flower bed from cat poop! If you can deal with the chicken wire in your flower beds then it will work for you.

  3. I'm cleaning mine out by placing cardboard down over all the grass and weeds then weighing it down by adding mulch. Once everything dies in a couple weeks the worms will eat all the dead organic matter including the card board and their castings will help fertilize my garden next year. Less work for me.

  4. Good job, thanks for sharing, I want a no muss no fuss garden bed , mulch really does the trick

  5. Try lining the flowerbed with a layer of chicken wire. (Pin down small patches of chicken wire around and over plantings. Unpin squares of chicken wire or hardware cloth to dig up or plant new plants.

  6. I found this video by Google searching how to remove raised flowerbeds and restore the grass. I have flowerbeds all along the front and side of my house and then on both sides of my backyard. We just bought the house and the person before us did a great job with weed prevention but I am noticing a lot of poop in the beds and I’m assuming it’s feral cats and possibly my puppy every once in a while. Is there anything I can do to keep the puppy and cats out? Something that don’t involve fencing.

  7. This video gave me everything I needed. Cleaning out weed/rock/kitty poop beds has been by far the toughest part of gardening in zone 8b from May to now. Prev owners realized they were moving and I got stuck with cleaning out a “wrap around the house bed”. I also like the brick idea for water, I’m going to implement this method in one of my beds that gets an awful amount water in one spot. The end result was soooooo amazing. I was quoted $895 but after watching this video, I’m doing it myself! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Do you have any recommendations cleaning out a flower bed thats hard and over the top is dead grass/long strands of dead weed mixed with dirt, wish i could send pictures. Should i just lay mulch over it after getting the living weeds? Or would that be a band aid fix. Should i get rid of all the lose dirt and put mulch on the hard stuff after breaking it loose with the tool?

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