Gardening Supplies

Indoor Gardening

Living in the Northeast doesn’t mean you have to stop gardening in winter! Patti converts her enclosed porch into an indoor garden.


  1. show an update about all the mold and water damage you now have.  Good luck with all your allergy problems and high insurance.  I hate amateurs like this.

  2. Wow, you are an amazing Mum! Impressed with the fact you can use a drill. I always get my partner to do this stuff. Thanks so much for valuable information about leaving tap water out and the chemicals evaporating, so we can use it for organic gardening. And "YES, you just confirmed that using rabbit pellets is safe!" We have six bunnies. And I just started organic growing this year. Problem with slugs. So love this video. Thanks. Would you mind if I shared this video on my Blog with a link to your site? I am trying to link up with other Organic Gardeners, share stories, seeds and clippings! Sharon (Mummy Boo)

  3. Enjoyed the video, some good ideas.
    Now, if you think that by leaving the water in the buckets for 2 days will eliminate chemicals in municipal water – sorry – only chlorine will evaporate (within 2 hours). Rest of the chemicals will remain in the water.

  4. i collect rain water. I ve gone to donut shops and asked for all their icing buckets thats about to go in the garbage. Its free – but omg so hard to clean. Take it to car wash with sponge and dish soaps LOTS.
    if you're in an apartment – see what you can do with PVC pipes to channel water into your buckets. ofcorse you need to be home when your filling you buckets coz it will over flow. Ive been collecting water year round for 1.5 yr – and I never had to ever use the tap water. I want it as organic as possible. I do not use miracle grow products of any kind even there soil. I only use organic home fertilizer: for indoors: infused clean egg shells in water, coffee grounds/ coffee, tea & used tea leafs, epson salt & Kelp. for outdoors – I use all plus my very own made worm compost. I do vertical gardening and micro greens.
    I turned my china cabinet into my kitchen garden & seedling starter and ( anything that will fit to grow) complete with grow light and small fan over glass of Rain water to produce moisture in the cabinet. You should also look into 5 gallon buckets for vertical gardening – you can have wicked watering & Compost right in the individual buckets.

  5. Top 20 or 40 videos on you tube. I would put it at top 5 for gardening. Except I didn't see anything about lighting.

  6. LED grow lights are becoming low cost and very efficient. They have only red and blue lights. That way you are not burning energy that the plants do not see. Lights can fit into an old desk lamp. Also you don't want low E windows, only clear glass. They block light that the plants use. My zucchini is getting ready to produce. I'm having trouble with seedlings to grow. Learning…. Always learning.

  7. Great setup, and very warm home. thank you for your reply in advance. Could you please share what is the name of light fixture you have for your seedlings. Where did you buy them and what is the price? I bought special LED system and plan to make seeds germination inside tent. But still wandering if I could do it using identical lights you have for seedlings. Thank you again.

  8. Looks amazing. It just learning what's the best way to grow your fruits and veggies. Even though I have space I'm restricted to use a smaller area because of my wheelchair but I make the best of it. Great video. Loved and Subbed

  9. The is the second AeroGarden we have had. The first is a much larger unit that we love, but is just too big for our smaller kitchen. So I was looking forward to getting this one to grow herbs and keep in the kitchen [ My Recommend AeroGardens Here >=>> ]. So far, though it's not as technologically advanced as my other one, this one is pretty well done.

  10. _*I love this AeroGarden. The plants sprouted sooner than expected>>>   I have to harvest the dill twice a week and the basil at least once a week. I would recommend this product and will probably buy another one to try other plants.

  11. I bet everything died due to lack of proper light, nutrients, space, water, ph, and ventilation..plants love shellac fumes

  12. Will deer pellets or elk poop work? I know nothing about planting but I have seeds and some organic soil. I’m high altitude NM and very rural so it’s not a property to get in and out of easy. I’m hoping to work with what I have. Haha. But I have no idea where to start or what to do 🤯

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