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I’m Just Gonna Go Ahead and Say It…

It’s a feeling that is pervasive in the community right now…an overwhelming sense that is difficult to shake. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: – start your preparedness journey:

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#shtf #prepper #teotwawki


  1. Never give up! You don’t have to own a bunker, you don’t have to own 25 years of freeze dried foods, you don’t have to know all the answers. Prepping isn’t about having “stuff” set aside to use on a rainy day, it’s a lifestyle choice to always try to progress toward ensuring stability when things are unstable. Yes, that means taking steps to make sure you have water to drink, food to eat, and the means to otherwise protect yourself and those you love. However, prepping should be a calm and methodical process of building resilience, not checking a few boxes on a “prepper scorecard”, calling it good, then planning a trip to Disneyland.

  2. The #1 prob that I have seen – now at critical-mass level – for the 25 years I've been awakened to The Truth Of Things is an unrelenting and terminal absence of solidarity and coalition among this community. There are millions of us, but all individual, isolated islands. The Evil Insane Left is well-coalesced and working as an army. They are organized and always on offense, always as a unit. They are visibly together. Not us. Everyone is quiet, separate, isolated, unknowable. THIS is why people get overwhelmed by what is going on. THIS is why so many give up. THIS is why we are back on our heels, getting steamrolled. THIS is why we find ourselves in This Situation. We are not an army. There is no coalition. No solidarity. We are not together. We are not visible. We are not felt by The Evil Insane Left. We are 1000x more than they but we are silent, invisible, segregated. You only "hear" us in these forums. It's good for flow of info, but if it only lives here then what good is it….??? If we don't find each other in the real world and coalesce, build our Army of Us – become a real, visible, tangible and prepared, skilled, threatening community that scares the Evil Insane Left back into their holes….. THAT is our problem and unrealized opportunity. It's not prepping – it's visibly and audibly coming together. Or everyone goes down in isolation on their own little dingy.

  3. Your channel is the most level headed.Makes the most sense and I generally feel good after watching.If you want to watch the horror movie pepper channels there are plenty out there.

  4. Kris, your calm demeanor is what keeps me coming back to your channel. Keep up the good work and know your message is being heard.

  5. Looking at educational materials to learn about prepping is a great start, but don’t get stuck on that step.

    Take the next level of responsibility. Get an extra flashlight – for your home, car, and / or office / workplace. Be sure you bring extra batteries. Extra charged travel chargers, band aids, popable ice packs, neosporin, Tylenol,

    Prepping in small ways has helped me so much! I used to put a fist aid kit in the diaper bag when my kids were infants / toddlers. It was so basic:

    Diaper rash creams, a few band aids, neosporin spray and gel, burn cream, infant tylenol with dosing syringe, granola or breakfast bar, Capri sun or juice box, and a packet or two of baby food.

    At the park, other moms got jealous and took note when their kids skinned a knee and I had a few band aids of different sizes with some antiseptic spray and neosporin at the ready – kept discreetly in a small, multi pocket makeup bag.

    One mom was amazed that I had a few extra baby food packets to share with her baby on the plane when the TSA had confiscated hers (they let me through b/c I had more littles to feed with me). The whole flight rejoiced when that crying toddler got the food it needed to calm down.

    Now I put a similar kit in my purse, with some wipies we use for all kinds of clean ups around the car or on the go.

    You don’t have to face disaster to have preparations useful.

    So many things people thought could go wrong the last 3 years, haven’t in reality, at least not yet. Recognizing that may ease your tension.

    So, reacting to what could or might happen won’t be as valueable if or when it does as calmly taking action for as much as we can anticipate now.

    I could anticipate needing a diaper bag when I had babies. I could anticipate skinned knees when my kids are toddlers.

    I can anticipate a lack of energy at times, or a lack of food for a time.

    I can anticipate needing… [fill in the blank] – helmets for my kids with their bikes – it doesn’t need to be drastic or dramatic to be life-saving.

    Also, Understanding the monetary value of flashy, dramatic headlines designed to catch your attention and keep you scrolling is an important part of critical thinking. Marketers pay big bucks to keep you in a perpetual state of emotional froth so you’ll be easy pickin’s when their sponsors present or offer solution packages.

    Use that skill of critical thinking going forward and ask yourself:

    What’s more valuable? Learning forever until it’s too late or learning a little, taking action, learning a little more, taking more action.

    What actions could you take today?

    I could sign up to update my First Aid / CPR training.

    Or buy some extra flashlights and batteries.

    Now stop commenting or watching and check the actionable items off your list.

    Cheers. Good on you.

  6. Calm is good. Calm is fruitful. Calm is not dismissive to issues. In fact, it strengthens the message. Screaming is noise. Constant frenzy is damaging. Frenzy buries information, calm highlights it. Calm allows us to process, think, plan, act. It embraces solutions! Helps us learn how to think, not tells us what to think. Frenzy/Fear can be paralyzing, and ultimately not helpful, especially for those new to the proactive mindset (see what I did there). I have no patience or respect for the click bait fear mongering channels. Heightens stress, weakens us. The opposite of what they think they are going for. Thank you for your calm. Helps us put one foot in front of the other, and do what we need to do.

  7. Hello CP. I'll shorten my comment for so many have already covered anything I might add. Here goes…. Gotcha! Carry on.

  8. Well folks things are speeding up. Biden gives US citizens a choice quit making China chips or give up your citizenship. This left China in chaos. China dictator said in a 2 hour speech they will be going after Taiwan.

    Russia is clearing out underground parking lots for people.
    Zephaniah 1:14 2 Peter 3:12 revelation 12:12
    Get right with God tell others and store canned goods get out of debt!

  9. I prefer this approach then to the WW 3 is happening in the next few days every day. 😉

  10. Thanks for this, Kris. I started a channel for this reason; doomer content is so disingenuous, and was tired of every channel schilling for views and product reviews. Kudos to you!

  11. I am not afraid, I just prep & try to tell people to do the same. I put all my trust in Jesus Christ. ☺️

  12. People hear the alarm and at first there motivated or scared but the more they hear it the more comfortable they get .. you get desensitized
    . Just the same way they have done with violence reason they just video violence rather then stop it

  13. I haven't given up, just turned off all prepper notifications and posts. It's become a point of stress! Still prepping…

  14. Living in Oklahoma one of our biggest treats is the tornadoes (under normal conditions) not shtf conditions, however this year we had a tornado come a mile away from the house and I got the kids and wife down in the shelter, well prior to this I was buying MRE's and cases of water the wife thought i was crazy until we had to go in the shelter right before we had dinner and we were in there for a few hours and the kids got hungry so what did I do I busted out an MRE the kids ate and we're quiet.
    After we got out the wife told me to toss some more MRE's down there with a case of water.
    She still thinks I'm crazy but now she sees the method to my madness.

  15. its a Great show. its a forum to watch and to think of various aspects. People who are negative have already given up, thus teasing you/us for your hard work.

  16. I appreciate you for not pushing fear. Honestly the more those videos come out I feel desensitized to the panic. Your videos help the planning process to remain manageable and realistic. You are much appreciated in this house for your content.

  17. As more and more of my friends and family are getting wise to their surroundings and find that they need some level of preparedness, I give them a list of good resource books and YouTube channels. There’s your channel, Canadian Prepper, Sootch, Full Spectrum Survival, Bear Independent (especially if they are former mil) Preparedness Homestead and S2 Underground. I give a rating of all of you called the Salt Scale, based on how many grains one would need to take the advice (1-5), their religious ideology in their videos, and their overall info: news only, news and gear/idea reviews, and how well one can learn from each channel… You get 1 grain of salt, the lowest, religious, but non preachy, and easy to digest info, news and gear reviews. City Prepping from me is typically paired with Living Traditions Homestead and Tess Pennington’s “Prepper’s Blueprint” for my friends just starting out.

  18. Wax on Chris! Thanks for the brutal honesty and setting the record straight about what you do and why you do it. Don't let the neigh sayers make you change. Stay safe out there.

  19. as a Marine and as a retired battalion fire chief, I was taught that panic breeds panic. As a young firefighter I recall many chiefs that were screamers having you believe the whole block was on fire burning out of control. Then we had chiefs that were so cool, calm and collected while there were multiple buildings on fire. I learned from both types that by remaining calm you were able to get your goals and objectives accomplished in a safe manner. My point? Stay calm, it'll work it's way out. !!!!

  20. My main goal to viewing your channel and others, is to educate myself! To the current events, ways to increase my ability to be more self reliant, most importantly to share the information to help others to see the need to be prepared! Preparing by yourself is difficult when others around you don’t even want to discuss this life of preparedness. I will continue to do what I can to provide for my family.
    Thank you. Your message provides a calm reasonable voice that keeps me aiming for the goal at hand 🙏🏼

  21. I actually enjoy your calming demeanor. They may see you as “too calm” or say that your information is “repetitive”.

    Weren’t all Apostles repeating the same message? You have a unique calling upon your life Sir. I don’t know much about you, but one thing I do know, is that your calmness is one only a called-disciple can demonstrate. You have His wisdom.

    Keep doing what you are doing. Your community appreciates you.

  22. Isn't the point to keep calm while everyone around you is loosing their heads? After living in S. Louisiana through many severe hurricanes, I can confidently survive three weeks without a supply chain, limited power and I'm able to assit my friends and neighbors in the similar situation. Giving others assistance and helping them remain calm after a bad situation has given me such a sense of gratitude. Thank you for you calming message! Also, my mother always said "Its a great day when you learn something new." You've added to my knowledge of things in many different areas. Please don't change.

  23. Having two adult family members in my household that have not been on the same page as I am, as well as even sabotaging some of my efforts for some unknown reason, has prompted me to give up. Im tired, I dont want anymore. Hope you guys all have a better go at it than I did.

  24. If nukes fly, the lucky ones won’t feel a thing. The survivors, even preppers, will soon envy the ashes. Anyways enjoy life now😅

  25. How are things going to get better when we’re $31 trillion in debt, and every other country is also in debt? There is going to be, there has to be, a global financial reckoning. And when that happens, someone is going to rise up and take control, and it’s not going to be pretty for those of us who know what he’s all about. Prepping only goes so far. There’s a good chance most of us aren’t going to make it.

  26. I bet people felt this way 1 year ago. 2 years ago. 3 years ago.
    If they had quit , they would’ve wasted all the time and opportunities since. Never ever ever quit. Turn of the electronics and get to work. Fight fight fight.

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