Japanese Garden

My Aussie style Japanese Garden (Zen/DIY) Chrissy Fitzgerald Psychic Life Coach Online

My Aussie Japanese Garden (Zen/DIY). In this video I am giving you tips on how to create a Zen/Japanese garden. I firstly explain the importance with any garden design that you have to create a plan on paper. It is by laying out the design that we can get a good clear picture of where the garden is heading. For example do I want it to be undulating or flat etc. I suggest using Pintrest to help with design ideas. Finding ornaments and creating things in your garden that will fit the design are very important in creating the visual effects and overall feel of the garden.
Proportion and dimension are very essential to create balance and harmony to the eye. I suggest choosing Japanese style plants that are evergreen and slow growing such as grafted trees and small shrubs. You can create landscape effects using rocks and pebbles of different sizes. These can be used to create dry creek beds and Zen landscapes. Stepping stones of different shapes can create a more natural look by not being to uniform in structure. Background colour such as this very dark blue I have used can also make the green plants really pop. If you would like more tips on how to create gardens go and check out my other videos on low budget gardening, low maintenance succulent gardening, small garden spaces and garden tips and ideas.

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