Japanese Garden

【Project.50】professional Niwashies creates a “Tsubo-niwa” garden. プロの庭師が京都の町家に坪庭を作る。

This time, we will create a tsuboniwa in a machiya in Kyoto.
We created a garden with a bamboo fence in the center of the garden.
I hope you enjoy it.


Niwashi :Sano Tomoatsu
庭師:庭友 佐野友厚 様

□ 建築:京町家工房


□ Camera provided by BrackMagicDesign
・Camera: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
・ Video editing software: DaVinci Resolve

We created an account for Patreon. Please support us if you can.🙏


  1. It always blows my mind how these small spaces get transformed and look bigger afterwards. Really beautiful space with a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. Lovely! God bless

  2. Love these space-constraint courtyard projects, they're gems of aesthetic inspiration. A touch of serenity & relaxing balance from the smallest outdoor spaces and the strategic & balanced use of fewer elements. The use of the misu gaki round bamboo screen and elegant plantings gave two different POVs from the inside. Creative use of different vantage views, natural lighting: highlight, shade & shadows, minimal plantings and different material textures.

  3. Bom dia! Admiro profundamente o povo japonês, o dom e a abilidade de transformar pequenos espaços , o trabalho sem em conjunto pensando no coletivo e não no individual, isto nos falta no Brasil, temos muito a aprender c o Japão! Parabéns a todos da equipe, por nós proporcionar estes belos jardins! Muito obrigado!

  4. Amazing how they create something in such a small space, thank you for the inspiration and thank you for your work and dedication 🙏🏻💚😁👍🏻

  5. I love small garden spaces like this! It makes such a nice atmosphere outside, and inside the house!

  6. 美しい作品!👍


  7. Wonderful video as always! The bamboo fence is so simple yet so perfect. And the Japanese maple that was selected for this project was a very fine tree.

  8. Two of my favourite things: Machiya and Tsuboniwa. Thank you for sharing this project with us, Matsunaga-san. The owner's are truly fortunate to have such a lovely home and courtyard garden. The Niwashies did a fantastic job (as always!)

  9. Fantastic job as always and truly professionals are needed to create such a paradise for small place like this. Really inspirational indeed. Just keep up these great videos coming.

    The one thing I have been thinking in many videos and working sites is the composition of the ground. Every time when Niwashies start digging or landscaping, the underneath basic soil is somewhat gravel/sand/stone ash type of soil. I mean the soil already on sites, not the finishing or covering material. It seems that there is not that much organic material like compost or organic soil as a base of the ground and it seems you won't add that much such an organic material either, but just a little bit around the plants. What is the composition of that kind of ground soil? And also added materials like compost from the bag and other soil ammedments remain relatively shallow. Is this early mentioned type of soil typical as a base of the japanise yards and what is your view to use such a shallow layers of real compost around and beneath the plants? Is there some gardening philosophy behind all of this? At least the good drainage is secured. You don't open/release the wrapping around rootballs of planted trees and bushes? How they can manage like that in a long run? Thanks for everything you do. These videos are really interesting and inspirational.

  10. I love the contrast of the tree with the fence finish. It takes what could have been a dark space and turned it into a beautiful view. Something I can develop my own courtyard into. Love your videos and thankyou for including the plant names , its a real bonus 😀

  11. Look at that water just drained away from the rootball!! For those of us who lived in clay/gumbo soil (TEXAS) this is SO satisfying to see. I love this idea so much, I'm going to do something similar in front of my tub window! Thank you for the video, as always such a joy to watch.

  12. This is such a contrast to how Americans build and remodel houses. The only thing they think about the garden is where to put the giant stainless steel grill. 😢

  13. 家の裏に奥まって捨て置かれたような小さな場所に美を宿す。



  14. Really enjoyable!, not only the great job of Japanese Gardeners but your true merit to bring this to life and keep up with the tradition. I've been following since almost your first videos and have been enchanted for the love you and the gardeners have to present this ambients.

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