Gardening Supplies

The Best Gardening Products- My MUST HAVE Supplies!

It’s the best gardening products- those gardening supplies that I simply can not be without in my garden!

A special thanks to the sponsor of this video, Hisea. Find Hisea Gardening Boots here: and use the code 𝗝𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗮𝟭𝟮 at to get 12% off your order.

Be sure to also check out my Top 3 Gardening Tools:
and My Top 3 Tools for Preserving the Harvest:

Gardenport Insect Netting:
Gardenport Frost Cover:
Wire Hoops:
Garden Boots:
Grow Light Stand:

00:00 Intro
00:50 Best Gardening Product: Insect Netting
02:37 Best Gardening Product: Frost Cloth
03:41 Best Gardening Product: Wire Hoops
04:38 Best Gardening Product: Garden Boots
05:59 Best Gardening Product: Fencing
07:43 Best Gardening Product: Grow Light Stand
08:18 Best Gardening Product: Fertilizer
09:31 Bonus Supply: Manure
10:20 Best Gardening Product: Natural Mulch



  1. Our fence is similar, but we also buried aluminum around the fence perimiter. I work at a print shop and used lithoplate. This keeps out small critters and acts as a rhizome barrier.

  2. I really enjoy your informational content. It’s becoming rare in the space and I always find your videos meticulously thought out and educational.

  3. Great video. I'm looking for those boots for sure! The only other thing I want for next year is shade cloth. We had 90s for a couple weeks which made things suffer here in Chicago. I may even put some over me! LOL.

  4. Great video Jenna, you covered virtually all of the 'must haves' on my list ! I would add a good quality garden sprayer for applying (organic) pesticides and/or foliar feeding the plants. I also have around 25 fruit trees which need periodic applications of pesticides to keep the many hungry insects that love apples, pears, cherries and peaches under control, as well as for applying fungicides. The other one is pvc pipe, which I used to create an above ground irrigation system for my raised bedsThis makes watering so easy and saves a lot of time. I'm very happy I had it this past summer which was so dry here (WI) that I had to water multiple times each week for most of the summer.

  5. Omy I had them eggs all over my Brussels I couldn't get rid of them all summer. I just thru out my plant.

  6. Great video Jenna, thanks. The shoes are definitely a must. I have a pair of muck boots but I really like the ones you exhibited. I wear running shoes almost year round but a garden will destroy them in no time. I help other people with their gardens and like you I am a firm believer in mulch. I am always amazed of how people are so afraid of using grass clippings in their garden for fear that the next week their garden will be full of grass (LOL). Its true that you could be introducing seeds into your garden but with good mulching the weed seeds don't have the right environment to germinate and grow. It may be too much investment for the average gardener but where I live you have to some form of irrigation for the summer gardener because we can have killer hot waves (95+) that can last for a couple of weeks that create micro dry conditions in the soil even with showers during that spell. That happened this year and it really hurt my yields on my tomatoes. So the irrigation is needed not only to provide water to the plant but to also cool the soil. BTW I love T-post. Once you get them, they last forever literally. I tell people they may be a costs you don't want to spend on but you can use them on many functions in the garden.

  7. Thank you for all your information. Do you use the 8' wide netting with the wire hoops on your 4' raised beds? Does it give you ample width with the hoop height or do I need to order the 10' wide screen?

  8. Not sure I want to drop that kind of $$$ for 100 hoops, but I really need them if I want to grow brassicas successfully. Need to ask around to see if gardening neighbors want to split the cost. Great netting tip–I think mine is too thick and plants are getting overheated.

  9. Awesome video. Thanks. Glad to find your channel. I just have to weed out the cold weather stuff since I'm in central Florida.

  10. Great video as always. My must have is also fencing. So many animals around here that would like to eat the garden, I find I can't plant enough 'to share', they eat everything. So a fence it is.

  11. Nylon spring clamps (from Harbor Freight) and clothespins for fastening the insect netting, frost cloth and shade cloth on pvc hoops and wire hoops. Can’t have too many of them! Thanks for giving your sources. I wasn’t happy with the insect netting I got this year so will definitely check out gardenport.

  12. You are such an awesome gardener! Thanks for all the great content. I especially like the plaid you have on in this video. Great colors. Can you share where it came from?

  13. Good list. Agree that insect netting and grow light set up are game changers.
    I would add Felco pruners, a gorilla cart and peat moss. I can't imagine gardening without them.

  14. I would add shade cloth too. Man, it saved me this summer. And I would add container gardening even if you have raised or inground beds. I love grow bags but use plastic pots too. It is nice for crop rotation and for having easy access to the house for crops I use most often. That and I am always needing more space to grow and containers are easy peesy, just fill and plant. No big leveling or construction needed.

  15. Omg! I just got my order of insect netting!lol! I ever used it b4 but see the need after cleaning all those Brussels sprouts. The cabbage wasn’t bad, but to try and get all the bad spots out of tiny cabbages is a pain as they are hidden. I may need more and will checkout your supplier.
    I also have most of the seed I will need except a few specialty varieties like the oregano you suggested and planning on getting more fruit this spring as it takes a bit of time to get a harvest. I’m hoping the burlap I just got will help to winter the new fruit as I’ve heard predictions of very cold and snow. The cold and hope not polar vortex is what I’m concerned about. I’m hopeful to get the fruit to survive as we haven’t had luck in the past. I’m getting better prepared and learning to get late blooming varieties because of late spring frosts in low area.
    As I listen you seem to go right down my list😂 Yes, fencing on everything and I see you have chicken wire on bettas the smaller rabbits 🐰 get through 2×4 wire. And Boots, checking that out. I use the slip on leather shoe to keep sand out. We have peaty sand and can really be dirty so they work ok for me.
    They say a deer can clear 12’ at a run. If they see it is a confined area or no place to land they tend not to jump. We use the 7’ wire and has been good, but just by having plants garden art or other obstacles on the inside tends to help keep them out. They fear being trapped in small places.
    Fertilizer—I use what I can get. I’m not worried by what or how it became as it’s much better than getting commercially trucked food that you know nothing of how it was grown. Never had a problem with possible chemicals affecting growth. I am however concerned about the use of sewage and PFAs (forever chemicals) that have been in the news. Just be careful about ingredients in fertilizer as they hide the sewage under different names and some main fertilizer suppliers use it.
    Great video, thank you!

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