Gardening Supplies

The Secrets of Babylon – The Hanging Gardens

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are one of the seven wonders of the ancient world listed by Hellenic culture. They are described as a remarkable feat of engineering with great admiration by various ancient authors.

The architectural wonder was a pyramid consisting of four floors. The floors themselves were platforms on columns with a height of 50 cubits, that is, about 27m. The lower floor had the shape of an irregular quadrangle. To prevent water from seeping down, the surface of each platform was first covered with a layer of reeds mixed with natural asphalt, then two rows of bricks were placed on top, built with gypsum mortar, and lead plates were placed above everything to seal it all together. A fertile soil was poured on them, in which they planted seeds of various types of grass, flowers, bushes, trees, and others. The height of the floors provided enough light and space for the plants.

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00:00 Introduction
04:20 Descriptions in classical literature
06:41 Evidence of Historical Existence
07:36 Identification with the gardens of Sennacherib in Nineveh
11:10 What were the plants in this mythical garden?

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  1. Although you were taught that God would never allow His word to be changed, He actually only promised to preserve it until the last days. Read Daniel 12:4 & 12:9 and Revelation 22:10.

      The KJV was at one time a literary masterpiece without blemish. In other words, there were no spelling, grammar or punctuation errors in it. I have a short film in my playlist on how that was accomplished. Now, they're on every page! Satan has supernaturally attacked it more than any other translation, but all of them in every language have been destroyed in the fulfillment of prophecy! Plus all concordances, encyclopedias, dictionaries, history books, the original manuscripts and the Dead Sea scrolls have been miraculously changed!      

       Not every word, Satan is too smart for that and he understands that rats won't eat pure poison so .05% is added to 99.95% corn and the rats love it… and perish for lack of knowlege!          

       Our Father said to "prove all things" and people better obey Him on this thing especially. I have an exceptional memory, I clearly remember my third birthday party and can draw an accurate picture of my baby stroller. I'm 69, was saved when I was 10 and had been reading only the exact same copy of the King James bible since 1961. (This doesn't mean I was a KJV onlyist, but now I'm glad I never read anyothers or I might not have noticed the changes as easily.) I memorized many scriptures out of it over the years and I absolutely know that the word demons used to be all through it. But today that word is not anywhere in there! It was replaced with devils. And the only place I've ever read the word wineskins was in my bible, but it's not in it any more either. It was replaced with bottles. And now unicorns, easter, matrix, castles, damsels, stuff, corn, colleges, banks, employment, schools, missles,  tires, mufflers, manifolds, engines, highways, suburbs, pavement, presidents, doctors, pilots, sheriffs, beer, dumb ass, India, Spain, Italy, ferryboats, couches and lots of other words are in my bible that I never saw in it my whole life! Many of these words are anachronisms 👉(they didn't even exist in 1611!) It never talked about men with milk in their breasts nursing babies either,  but now it does! Isaiah 11:6 used to say the lion shall lie down with the lamb, not the wolf shall also dwell with the lamb! Lion represents Jesus and wolf is associated with Satan! The first 13 films in my playlist will show you plenty of undeniable "residue" (proof of what was that Satan missed) on that verse. Luke 17:34 used to say "two shall be in one bed, one shall be taken and the other one left", but now it says "two men shall be in one bed…!!! And the following verse said "two women shall be grinding at the mill together……" and now it just says "two women shall be grinding together …!!!  So now the bible makes it sound like some homosexuals are going to be "raptured"!

    👉   But this is the biggie, in Luke 19:27 it has Jesus saying "And those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and "SLAY THEM BEFORE ME!" It did say "eshew them away" This change makes Christ sound like a radical extremist!!! Millions of Christians will be killed because of this verse!!! And I know that this is a parable, but the king Jesus was talking about was Himself, the KING OF KINGS! The film titled 'Satan's Agents and Doctrines of Demons' which is in my playlist is just about this verse, and is the most important video most of you have ever seen.

      I memorized the Lord's prayer as a boy because Jesus said it, and I have repeated it tens of thousands of times, (along with other verses I memorized), and it absolutely did not say which art in heaven, it said who art in heaven, it didn't say in earth, it was on earth. And it now says forgive us our debts instead of our trespasses.                 

      God  has sent His strong delusion to all of the people that never received the love of the truth! What's scary is, so far that appears to be most believers! This incredible phenomenon they're calling the Mandela effect is absolutely real, but it should actually be called the Daniel 7:25 Effect because that's where God said He would give Satan the power to do this in the last days, (change times and laws…history and scripture plus laws of physics). I first became aware of some of the bible changes in 2014 before I ever had a computer or had heard of the Mandela effect. But since 2016 I've watched thousands of videos on the subject, and saved some of the best and most important ones for proving your bible has been changed and pointing out all the places this was talked about in end time prophecies in my playlist which you can see by typing into YouTube   (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE) 

      Even though I will never read any bible again, mine gives me the creeps just looking at it like a Ouija board or something, I have continued to study God's word by learning what scriptures have been changed with proof of what was originally written in the KJV. I urge you all  to do the same, while you still can, because when the lights go out and we no longer have access to internet, all we'll have then is hard copies of the bible Satan wants us reading! At that point Amos 8:12 will be fulfilled where it says we will no longer be able to find His words anywhere again, because the only place God's words can still be read without the risk of reading some of Satan's mixed in unaware is in the videos people are making which document the changes or in things like the KJV restoration project pastor Tim has at S.C.1 channel which I feature on my home page and in my playlist.

      This is without question the biggest and most important thing that's happened since the day of Pentecost! When you see absolute proof that the miraculous fulfillment of end time prophecies are happening and how close we are to our Savior's return, it's the most faith strengthening and exciting thing that you've ever experienced! Whenever anyone is reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing his tail off! And here's why, he understands why rat poison is 100% effective. It's 99.95% corn. Rats can't resist it and it kills every rat that eats it! They won't eat it if there's enough poison in it that they can taste it. He could have changed all the words, but then even the tares would notice it. And he wouldn't have changed what he did if it wouldn't bring people to Hell. There are changes on every page of the KJV, more than any other translation…go figure. That's because MEN had already screwed up all the others to one degree or another. I haven't opened my bible, (a KJV) that I got in 1961 and cherished my whole life, in over six years and will never read another one the rest of my life. I learned so much about this that I can't even LOOK at it now without getting a creepy feeling like looking at a Ouija board or a voodoo doll or something! 👉I give everybody the same advise, first watch all the films in my playlist which you'll find by just typing in (proof of bible change residue junkie) for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies which we had all previously misinterpreted and to receive a 1,000% increase in faith, then print out the PDF brother Tim has at his KJV restoration project at (I have to write this website in code or skroo tube won't post this comment!) amos ate dot oh are gee, of a long list of the changes that have been documented. And then instead of reading any bible, watch as many of the other videos those channels have made on this as you can before the lights go out and Amos 8:12 is fulfilled too. There'll be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you still want to.

    God bless!!!  ❤✝️💪

  2. Yes us Babylonian Assyrians – Thank you for showing this – It used to be one of the wonders of the world but no more

  3. Dive down deep into our culture and we will promote this video to all our people who are still here today >> We did not die off – We hid in the Hakari mountains and believe me we are still here 🙂

  4. Some of those pictures you can clearly see are AI – either used midjournery or Dall-E as they are not good with eyes – – nice AI with the gardens

  5. It was flooded > We are The Atouraya meaning mountain people. That's where we had to flee. High up in the mountains. Assyrian Priests hold all the secrets whether you believe it or not. This was a huge discussion on Reddit that didn't go down well.

    British museums hold most of our ancient artifacts that belong to us.

    We are spread across the world and only a few million of us left. No one cares for us and say we don't exist. We sure do. We speak the old language. According to google which is a lie, Assyrians apparently speak Syriac-Aramaic.

    We are not in any way Aramaic and that is a total lie. We do not speak Arabic either nor do we speak Persian as some think. Who are Aramaic people anyway? We were before them and after us came the Chaldeans who claim they are the real Assyrians but speak a mixture of Arabic and Assyrian. Another lie. There is no Chaldean Assyrians. They are just Chaldean.

    We do not have our country anymore or own a single square piece of land as it was taken from us.

    People cry for Ukraine but no one ever cried for us…Not after the 1915 Turkish Genocide against Assyrians and the 2015 one 100 years later… bet you didn't hear about us then did you?

    We get offended so you cannot blame us when people make out we are nothing but some myth.

  6. AshurBanipal Statue is right next to me as he is our King. We are people of Ashur = Atour – and Atouraya also means Mountain people. That is how we survived the flood.

    Assyrian Priests have all our knowledge while British Museums keep our ancient artifacts.

    When the US invaded Iraq in the early 90's – there was proof of US soldiers camping out at Assyrian Ziggurat Temples and walking out with duffle bags containing our artifacts.

    They steal everything of ours.

    And forget our ancestors created the wheels you use. The alcohol you may or may not drink and Numbers and so on…

    Oh and the Alphabet?

    How ironic is this or some sick joke on us as usual?

    The first letter in our 'Alphabet' is 'Alaph' which is where you get 'Alpha'

    The second letter is 'Bet'

    What do you get when you put our first and second letters of our 'Alphabet'?

    To further prove this > We have 4-5 brainwave states. Do you know what they are called? They are the first letters in our 'Alphabet' again.

    Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta and some say Gamma also. What else are these known as?

    They are not GREEK they are ASSYRIAN.

    Alaph = Alpha – Bet ( Bet also means house in Assyrian ) = Beta – Thet = Theta – Dalet = Delta and Gamal is Gamma

    You see how they twisted our own language and Alphabet?

    Not Greek – Not Akkadian but all ASSYRIAN.

    How clueless people are about us is incredible

  7. YES, YES, YES!!! Thank you so much for providing us with such a great historical video. I’m a believer, it must have been a beautiful and magnificent experience to walk through such a marvel. Do you imagine something like it during our current era? Sadly there’s too much greed in the world to create such marvel! Again, thank you so much for this beautiful piece of educated information! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖

  8. It is really interesting…. i wanted this subject for a long time. I read the comments and it is really sad if this is what really happend to these people… they are the founders of many things in history and we didn't learnt about these. I love to hear more about this if possible! Nice these gardens also…. it looks like paradise 🌸🌴🌞🦋⚘️

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