
Sunday Garden Work .Harvester Eggplant.Tips to Grow Garlic.OVERVIEW OF MY VEGETABLE .

in this video i have harvested some brinjal from my brinjal plant .And make a good bed and put garlic in it. Here are some tips before applying garlic Weed your bed well before planting garlic .Then add cow dung manure to it .And then put a line in it and plant your garlic with a trick .
harvester brinjal
harvester brinjal and eggplanttips to grow garlic
tips to grow garlic in water bottles
tips to grow garlic at home
how to grow garlic at home indoors
how to grow garlic at home in water
how to grow garlic at home in hindi
how to grow garlic at home uk
how to start garlic business
how to plant garlic bulbs in pots
how to grow garlic chives from seed
how to grow garlic creative explained
how to grow garlic complete guide
how to grow garlic easy
how to grow garlic easilysunday garden work anxiety
sunday garden work afternoon
sunday garden work at homeoverview of my vegetable ate
overview of my vegetable care
overview of my vegetable garden
overview of my vegetable harvest
overview of my vegetable is brinjal
overview of my vegetable in spanish


  1. ماشاءاللہ بہت اچھے مشاغل ہیں آپ کے
    اور گھر کی تازہ سبزیوں کی تو بات ہی نرالی ہے۔ (سلطانہ )

  2. Wow! Your garden is so beautiful. You harvested lots of eggplants and planted many garlic seeds.

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