Backyard Garden

Big Projects Update! | Gardening with Creekside

Our two big projects are moving along very nicely, and we are excited to share the updates with you!

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Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
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Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. OK first of all Jerry is a master with power equipment the way he determines and judges the accuracy of dumping a load exactly where he wants it, or manipulating that bobcat is therapeutic to watch and memorizing. I love videos like this I don’t know what it is but just watching progress makes me want to create more in my yard. Thank you both for what you do and sharing it with all of us:

  2. I love seeing the big projects you're doing.
    You and your audience might enjoy watching Matthew Cremona's channel. He's a Minnesota furniture maker using massive trees for material.
    Current project is a gigantic barn to house the many giant trees he keeps on his property.
    I really enjoy watching his channel and have zero interest in building a barn or making furniture, but, man, his editing skills are stellar. And with peak fall color time, his drone shots are awesome.

  3. That small dump truck is a lifesaver. How much control do individual growers have over the planting mix they use? Are there good, better and best choices? Does this choice impact the long term success of the plant in the ground?

  4. Can’t wait to place my first order from Creekside! It is great being able to see you grow and expand. I live in Lilburn, Ga, zone 7 and hope some day to be able to visit your gardens in person! I look forward to your videos every day!

  5. I am hopeful about y'all getting into shipping again! I have a list already made and ready to order!🤩

  6. Did you say shipping!? I have been subscribed and jealous for years! All those pretty plants you have and since you didn't ship I remained without. I'm sooo excited 😆 Let's go Jerry! LOL

  7. Good morning! Everything is looking great! Very excited to watch progress on both projects. In the greenhouse I noticed a tan colored mulch on the gardenias and azaleas. What is it? Thanks!

  8. Love your berm project. I have a suggestion for another tree – an Empress of China Dogwood. I was hooked when I saw it on Hort Tube with Jim Putnam. He's in the Raleigh, NC area. He has a 5 minute video on just this tree. It would be gorgeous. Whatever you guys do, it always looks beautiful!

  9. ALWAYS learn something from your videos! Look forward to seeing the developments in the berm screen and the nursery structures. Question 1: I've often wondered when I see large greenhouses, how do you avoid leggy growth with your smallest seedlings when I have such even with lights near my plant starts and young seedlings ? (There is a likely an obvious answer which I am overlooking but trying to learn! Question 2: in production #2 what is the light colored mulch in the tops of the shrub pots? Some sort of grain husk? Rice husks, perhaps? Still hoping to get to NC and specifically to Creekside sooner than later!

  10. I got a Steady as She Goes………from PW,,,in this first season it nearly tripled in size and the flower production was good and in three or four flushes. what i liked about the flushes is that they were a staggered flush…so flowers continuously opened….a great plant..Im in 7B ina bit of a nyc but off LI says its cold tolerant and i plan to overwinter it in its 14" terra cotta colored plastic pot..its in a SW location near a brick wall so i feel it will take the winter ok…hopefully…Its listed w/PW as ok for a 7t+ the location of the plant and near a sunny will do well ..hopefully of course…Hope this was helpful..If you are zone appropriate try this plant..the foliage alone is an amazing deep green and highly shiny….Thanks guys, Bob

  11. [1] I love that Jerry is smart enough to till the compost into the native soil to turn it into a much better growing medium. With such clay soil, the more aged compost and aged manures the better the growing medium. Certain home gardeners only dump compost on top of the soil and use as a "MULCH" and don't work it into the ground to change the native soil structure into a better, rich growing medium. The more black you can get it the better it is.
    [2] Last week, I've been preparing a couple of my veggie beds, using a spreader and put 5,000 pounds of pot ash, and 22,000 pounds of black compost and 18,000 pounds of aged manure,,and have been tilling it into the soil since then. It's a long process ..getting the beds ready to rest for the winter, and then ready to plant in the spring. Gives them time for the beneficial microbes to really do their thing before spring. I still have 8 more fields to go before winter, but we are still harvesting produce and flowers out of them. I won't finish until just before snowfall. Then the serious greenhouse growing begins.
    [2] I like the Aerial image,, looking down at the new berm. It's almost like a Christmas Stocking shape. Good Plan!
    Was that JACKSON's Idea? You going to decorate it with plants to look even more like a Christmas Stocking once it's closer to the Holidays? lol

  12. Thank you for sharing details of your garden 🧡 the end project will be so pretty, can't wait to see it!! Love your blouse, my style😊
    Have a good weekend🍃🤩

  13. I am so impressed by everything you have accomplished and the things you have built and I am curious how many acres of land do you have for your Creekside Nursery ?

  14. When you start taking orders its going to be amazing. A whole new business awaits. Im so happy to know you are going to do this.

  15. Wow what an incredible video!! Always look forward to seeing your videos!!! This new construction looks awesome and look forward to seeing final project… you guys never cease to amaze!!! 🥰👏👍🍀I WILL SO BE ORDERING FROM YALL WHEN TIME COMES!! EXCITED YOU MAY BE DOING SHIPPING!!! WE HAVE REALLY NOTHING INTERESTING HERE….👍

  16. My hats off to you. You've got lots of plates spinning on top of poles and you seem so cool and calm. Awesome.🙂🙂😉

  17. It’s really amazing how your business has grown! Congratulations on all your success!

  18. Jenny – what is the light colored mulch in the nursery containers that looks like large rice pellets – I can't seem to find this information. I've always wondered exactly what this is. Thanks 🙂

  19. Love this! Question may be silly but what is that in the plant containers that look like rice?

  20. Just a great project. Planning a new garden is so completely absorbing and wonderful. It will be gorgeous. And the new building is a huge investment but so beneficial to your business. Wish I could be a regular customer, but living in Williamsburg, VA makes that too difficult. But, you are planning on shipping???? Makes it a good possibility. What a wonderful expansion this will be.

  21. Use about 120 violas in front of my house. 36 to a flat so about 4 flats. Plant them pretty close but the effect is gorgeous throughout the winter and really superb in the spring. Stopped planting the big pansies because of price, and the end effect. The violas continue to drop seed and I find little plants even through the summer. And the colors and varieties are endless.

  22. What I love about y’all is it is what it is… real life! Your red clay looks like my red clay! Can’t wait to see the finished product!!!!

  23. I am sooo happy for you guys. I'll be really happy if you guys start shipping . I really love the burm you all are putting up . I totally get the need for separation of home and work . Your so lucky that Jerry was blessed with the ability to do all the things, really helps with cost . Look forward to your next video.. God bless

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