Container Gardening

Planting 45 Garlic Cloves in a Half Wine Barrel Container Garden

John from talks about the busiest time in his garden- after the first frost and how he gets everything accomplished. He also shows you how he plants out 45 Garlic Cloves that will turn into 45 Garlic Bulbs Next Year.


  1. I don't get why you can't eat the sprouted garlic. Does it get posionous? Pooey, I've cooked w/my sprouted garlic, & I'm still alive! The leaves,as well as the bulbs are edib

  2. edible, just as scallions(green onions) are! I like mine best roasted. Easy to do, coat w/olive oil, spread single layer on a cookie sheet, preferably 1 w/edges. Less mess. Maybe 350-375, keep and eye one them & stir occasionly to brown all sides. Yummy!

  3. Please excuse my Ignorance as I'm from Australia and never heard of rock dust before what is it in it's natural state.

  4. You can donate it to restaurants if you don't like it.Like the videos but sometimes they can be to long 😉

  5. Well I think people should learn how to get food from their natural surroundings
    and start using it to build familiarity and reduce the shock that would almost
    cetainly accompany the transition to survivalist life after a disaster or collapse
    of society. In some situations your garden may be targeted by hungry people
    so we should not depend on it too much. Don't just store food in your home,
    make hidden caches. Bees: Honey, Propolis, Wax, Pollen. Extremely useful.

  6. Yep, no problems with eating the whole garlic plant. I actually like the sprouts and flowers best!

  7. I liked the part where you talked about Berkley farmers market, I'm from Hayward, I have been checking your videos for awhile and the interesting thing about the garlic that you mentioned is the flowers, my friend once left a garlic plant alone long enough for the top flower to produce an actual bulb of pearl shapes cloves.

  8. how many times can i use the soil that you planted it all in before i have to get new compost?

  9. I'm sorry but seriously?!?!?! What is the name of this video???!?!?!? What did he talk about? How much time was devoted to garlic??? Moving on!!!

  10. Some people find that the flavor and kick of raw garlic is too strong. You can find some mellow strains like the purple or slow roast some in your oven.
    I use whole cloves or chop them up and roast on foil. 200 – 250 degrees works for me and I stir the chopped or turn the cloves every 5-7 minutes until they are a deep golden brown. Roasting really takes the bite out and mellows the flavor really well.
    That said, I like the bite of raw garlic as much as the mellow roasted flavor.

  11. I plant cloves of garlic everywhere in my garden,yard or planters. my kids love it. thanks very informative videos!

  12. John, I truly appreciate your efforts to share such valuable information, however your volume and force of voice is excessive. I am sure you heard similar from others. At some point you may heed the message in lieu of taking afront. your viewership will increase with the newer subscribers.
    With no malintent

  13. Hi John ,first time I have planted garlic in my back yard ,waiting for the spring to see them grow,

  14. John, this is awesome! I can not wait to share this with Vito, my friend and Italian cook. He loves garlic and tried to grow it! After setting up this green house disaster and failing miserably he needs a new direction! You my man will be not only mine, but his inspiration as well! Thanks !

  15. I live in the Northeast and just wondering if I can plant garlic in a barrel and leave them there over the winter without damage so that they would grow the following summer?

  16. Could you divulge any information regarding your soil recipe mix for that wine barrel? Looks pretty awesome.

  17. Hi john thanks for the great idea.  I had a half wine barrel here at home and we love our garlic so i recently planted 50 garlic bulbs and cant wait for them to grow

  18. My dad let me know about Simply Love Gardening (search for it on google). I got everything I needed from one place.

  19. I'm doing this on a smaller scale tomorrow. I am planting them in Northern British Columbia, so I think I will cover it with some hay or leaves and leave the container on the deck for the winter. Thanks for all of your great advice.

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