Japanese Garden

How to create a small Japanese garden (zen) (Chrissy Fitzgerald)

How to create a small Japanese garden (Zen). In this video I am explaining the importance of making a plan in order to build a garden with a firm foundation. Building a good structure is important to the look of your garden. I believe it is important to put in a variety of plants to create the look of correct proportions in the garden. I find smaller slower growing plants are perfect for manicuring and shaping. Ornaments are great to create the Japanese effect visually in the garden as well.
Rocks can also create a great landscape effect by using different sizes. I also recommend using a tree as a center piece to balance out the garden. Statues and lanterns are also very characteristic of a Japanese garden. So get adventurous and mix up the plants with shrubs and grasses and flowers that are slow growing. So have fun and mix your gardens up and get creative. If you would like more tips on gardening go and check out my other videos on My Japanese garden, small garden space, garden tips and ideas.

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