Edible Gardening

Zone 7 Pre-Frost Garden Tour part 1

Join me for an in-depth tour of my zone 7 garden before the first predicted frost! That’s right, temps are dropping rapidly in a few days in central Carolina!


  1. I'm thinking this year is going to be colder than normal for winter Brie . I hate to see it coming so early , and i have a plan for the casualties . Thanks for the info

  2. Hard frost coming our way (Cincinnati) next week 3 days at least in the low 30"s….that will be the end for most of my plants…but tomorrow will be "bring in day" I am starting to do like you Brie and say why am I carting these things in every year…LOL its a lot of work…

  3. Our mosquitoes have been HORRIBLE! I love that Charles Grimaldi plant. I wonder if these short days are why my peppers are finally acting like they want to fruit. Sucks it’s also much, much cooler though.

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