Gardening Supplies

Essential toolkit for the home gardener | Gardening 101 | Gardening Australia

Which garden tools do you really need to keep your garden in tip top shape?
While there is a myriad of tools you can have, there are only a handful you really need for a thriving productive patch.  Here are some tips for the essential kit you need:
Cultivation Tools – Spade, fork, rake  
• A good spade for digging is a must, and the flat blade is also helpful to break up compost and clods of soil.
• When it comes to cultivation, Josh prefers a fork as it has less negative impact on soil structure.
• A metal rake is handy for levelling.

Pruning Tools – Secateurs, loppers, saw
• Pruning anytime is fun, but with the right tools it is a dream! 
• You will need secateurs (sharp and clean) for pruning stems up to about 20mm.
• A pair of loppers can be used for slightly bigger stems up to about 50mm.
• If you start to get serious, a good quality folding saw will get through most limbs!
• Hedging soft material, you need some lightweight pruning shears.
• Whatever you do, don’t struggle away trying to cut big stems with a small tool – you can do damage to the plant and yourself!

Maintenance tools – Watering can, buckets, spray bottles
• A good quality watering can is useful for regular liquid feeds.
• Buckets are handy for distributing dry fertilisers and soaking plants before they go in the ground.
• A couple of small, clearly marked sprayers are also handy for applying a bit of a foliar feed, or any organic pest control. 
• Importantly, Josh stores his organic pest controls on the top shelf, “My kids are a bit bigger now, but other kids are regularly here so I keep everything out of reach”.  
• Josh’s PPE, (Personal Protective Equipment) is also clearly labelled and easily accessed.

Cleaning up – rake and broom
Of course, at the end of the day you need to clean-up. A leaf-rake and a broom are all you really need!

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Gardening Australia is an ABC TV program providing gardening know-how and inspiration. Presented by Australia’s leading horticultural experts, Gardening Australia is a valuable resource to all gardeners through the television program, the magazine, books, DVDs and extensive online content.

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  1. all u need is a shovel and a hoe, you cant not have a hoe.. unless you use herbicides or like spending all of your time weeding lol oh and yeah a watering can

  2. I have also found a lawn edger to be indispensable for mowing as well as a pressure pump weed sprayer for large areas.

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