Gardening Supplies

vertical gardening supplies | vertical gardening | diy vertical gardening | ideas | how to – Vertical Gardening Guide…your road map to a beautiful garden. Vertical gardening is the way to grow!

Vertical gardening has become very popular in this day and age of “going green”. Also know as bio walls and green walls, vertical gardens are the horticultural darlings of the environmentalists. Vertical gardens help our environment by improving the quality of air indoors. If outdoors these types of gardens delay storm water runoff and also reduce urban heat. This expanding horizon of the horticultural world takes your garden and literally plants it up on the wall.

Vertical gardening is the way to grow! You can make the most of your garden space by growing delicious vegetables and fruits and colorful flowers up on a trellis, on garden netting, in a tower of pots, and over garden structures, while enjoying the benefits of easier maintenance, healthier plants, effortless harvesting, and higher yields.

Once you learn how easy it is to change your garden from a horizontal system to a vertical one, you’ll be rewarded with a garden that involves less work and more benefits. Even people with plenty of space for a garden are finding that traditional ways of gardening (with long horizontal rows) can lead to disappointing results—the more space you try to cultivate, the more likely you are to get discouraged by aggressive weed growth, encounter problems such as pests and diseases, find that watering a large area is a never-ending commitment, and get overwhelmed when there’s so much garden to care for on a weekly basis.

If you’re one of the millions of people who want to experience gardening for the first time, one of the millions of gardeners looking for easier and more rewarding ways to garden, or one of the millions of gardeners who have given up on gardening because of disappointing results, consider the incredible benefits of vertical gardening:

• Growing plants up, not out, in beds with a small footprint
• Less soil preparation and digging from Day 1
• More plant variety in much less space
• Many opportunities to create bottom-up and top-down plantings
• Less weeding in vertical beds, spaces, and pots
• Many space-saving container and stacking options
• Fewer maintenance chores
• Improved air circulation and less risk of plant diseases and pests
• Easier tending and harvesting—all at eye level
• Less bending and less backbreaking work
• Larger yields in a compact space
• Top-performing vertical vegetables, fruits, and flowers—especially vining types
• And much, much more fun!

What Is a Vertical Garden?

It is a garden where vegetables, flowers, and fruit all grow, climb, and twine upward to create a beautiful landscape that saves space, requires less effort, produces high yields, and reduces pest and disease problems. Whether your goal is armloads of flowers, a bountiful vegetable garden, or a productive fruit harvest, I’ll show you how narrow strips of soil, bare walls, and simple trellises and arches can be transformed into grow-up or grow-down gardens with just a few inexpensive supplies or purchased planters.

Vertical gardening is an innovative, effortless, and highly productive growing system that uses bottom-up and top-down supports for a wide variety of plants in both small and large garden spaces. There are hundreds of varieties of vegetables, fruits, and flowers that are perfect for growing up freestanding and wall-mounted supports and in beds or containers.

article source Dereck Fell – Remember to pick up the Vertical Gardening Guide. It will be your road map to a beautiful garden. Vertical gardening is the way to grow!

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