Front Yard Garden

Watering People's Grass in a Hurricane!

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Ross @CreationsRoss



0:00 Legend
0:02 Hurricane Ian

0:47 Price gouging people
1:25 Why’s this green light red?

2:43 Panhandling in a hurricane
3:09 Twister in a twister
4:50 It’s not legal
6:15 Football on the interstate

9:00 New video

9:19 Watering People’s Grass in a Hurricane!
13:23 Opposite side of the road

14:53 On the beach during a hurricane
16:40 Hurricane aftermath

23:35 Sneak peek
23:46 Outro


  1. Honestly that first guys reaction is pretty reasonable. If you guys were to get hurt somehow on his property, he would be held liable for it by his insurance company.

  2. Put a backup camera on the front of your car and then be an uber driver and see if anybody notices.

  3. holy shit, I really wish Florida would just fuck off into the ocean, those people were disgusting.

  4. I love you guys but I don't like messing with people during natural disasters. Those people were just worried about their life and property and that is not the time to mess with them.

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