Japanese Garden


Genko-an of fresh green and rain 2022
Genko-an Temple is a Buddhist temple of the Soto sect of Zen Buddhism in the Kita Ward of Kyoto. Genko-an Temple is famous for its two windows that look out at the temple’s Japanese garden. One window is round (The Window of Enlightenment) and the other square (The Window of Confusion), even though they provide an almost identical view, the view appears very different to the viewer. Genko-an Temple was originally a hermitage constructed by the head priest of Daitokuji Temple. Genko-an Temple also features the ‘Blood Ceiling’, which was constructed from the floorboards taken from Fushimi Castle when it was being.

47 Kita-takagamine-cho, Takagamine, Kita-ku, Kyoto city


  1. Ein faszinierendes Erlebnis …….auch die Klänge des Regens betonen die Aussagekraft der Bilder……Vielen Dank für dieses Video und viele Grüße 👍👍………

  2. So beautiful! In your videos you demonstrate a lesson…if we clear our spaces of clutter & visual distraction, our busy minds settle to a point of rest, and start to appreciate being and beauty 🙂

  3. Thank you as always for the healing times through your videos! 💚
    It's thanks to you I get to practice visual forest bathing in times when I need greenery 🍃

  4. mmm… the sound of the rain falling has something… something magical. I don't know. And in that place so simply beautiful. The leaves, the wood, the water on the water…
    Thank you very much. Dômo arigatô gozaimashita.

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