Gardening Supplies

Time Management is EVERYTHING in GARDENING

Time Management is EVERYTHING in GARDENING. I share two hours of work on the FIRST HOT DAY. City girl urban gardener turns late bloomer homesteader! SUBSCRIBE so you won’t miss out!

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“Late Bloomer” exists to inspire anyone to grow their own food. Kaye’s vlog covers gardening, travel, homesteading, and interesting people. Please share!

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  1. You are so right, Kaye. Since I haven't been 100% for this last little while, Mike and I have realized we need to streamline things and work smarter, not harder. We're still figuring things out. I know I should keep a journal each year.
    I've never fertilized my garlic. I add a layer of compost each year before planting.

  2. Kaye hi there is a saying which goes summat like this,,, "do a little often",,,,, works fine in the Thompson household lol
    seeyou ,,,,,, Ed Lucy,,,,, still in the UK

  3. I agree with others! You can only do what you can and that's ok! My husband and I are also working through heath limitations and doing as much as we can! We're usually a little behind on everything but that's ok too! I think you'll be much happier using that method to start sweet potatoes!

  4. Great advice Kaye!! Sometimes I work until I drop and then I can’t do anything the next day, by the way I’m 78 years old and sure can’t do what I use to do.

  5. It's called CHUNKING – chunk your projects do a little of each to break up the monotony.
    I assign myself three tasks to do, then rotate from task to task to keep energized and moving. Before I know it, voila all three tasks are DONE, I allow myself only so many hours daily so I don't get too exhausted, then the next day I take off IF I'm hurting.

  6. I just read where the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has announced serious water restrictions coming in June 2022. Only allowing residents in several highly populated counties such as Los Angeles, Ventura and San Bernardino, one day per week to water outside gardens and landscaped areas of yards! Imagine! But that is because of the terrible drought conditions. On another note, I organically fertilized all my container gardens two days ago for the first time this year.

  7. Laura from Garden Answer assigns a section of her yard to be worked upon each day (six days?). She does prioritize the needs of that particular section daily then the other section tasks. If done early then go to the next day's section or just consider it a lighter day. Something to consider for time management.

  8. that soil looks SO good… great job..
    When you see what Scott Head does in his backyard garden and feeds his can do it too…Take care Kaye and enjoy the sunshine and the rain ☺️

  9. I’m so glad you are not pushing yourself. I was worried that you were trying to do too much. At 61, I can’t do everything I used to do, or everything I want to do. I’m in good health but not as strong or have the endurance I once had. I just try and do a little each day and let the rest wait. It may not get done when ‘everyone else’ is doing it, but slow and steady…. You’re doing good!

  10. Great that you are going to slow your roll down. You can't get everything done in one day. There is always tomorrow.

  11. welcome to my world kaye no help here anymore I used to have a fried that came very week for a half dey but i rarely see him anymore We still barter for eggs and bread now and then or plants .I no longer use any fertilizer just my own compost. IT's good you got the infrastucture done ..I start slips from 2 potatoes in my frig every January no toothpicks needed. they easily give me 25plants by the time its warm enough to plant which gives me at least 2 -5 gallon buckets for the winter and up till mid summer I have not bought sweet potatoes in years I am going out to do a second tilling now I want to plant a nice patch of op corns this year .Its been a cold spring I a grateful since I was caring for my daughter on hospice almost 3 months in the heart of spring planting season .Helen and Scott Nearing recomended only 4 hours of labor a day(Living the Good Life )I work in the mornings a few hours and in the evening. I mostly prosess foods or do housework or computer work in mid day..Yes the climate is very different than the west .When I did a working CSA here we had folks come at 5:30 am and be gone with their foods by 10 am Enjoy the gardens.. I am sure healing out there these days.. :)Sharon

  12. Slow and steady = more gardening pleasure. I spend nearly as much time sitting in my garden, sipping coffee or tea or whatever, as I do working in my garden. It truly is my sanctuary. I grow quite a bit but I don't feel the need to try and grow everything. I like the social aspect of our local farmer's market as well as my dealings with 'my CSA farmer'. Those (source) relationships are dear to me. 🐝🌻

  13. Just do what you can. Kaye, you and my Spirit Guides are on the same wavelength. They’ve been trying to tell me that for months.

  14. Very wise decision. We do what we can as we can. Icfound 3 pickel jars, so I put up 3 jars of sauerkraut . As I get, I do. Slow but sure. Tiday I filled 2 huge carts with leaves and grasses I pulled out back. That was all I could do so I stopped. I've hurt my left side so many times and themmn have to wait till it cms, so from now on slow but sure, we'll get done what we want to. Much love

  15. I can only do so much physically. We limit our plants to what we absolutely know we will eat, cook, freeze, or can!

  16. Good to hear " she who saves (her energies) and puts em away has enough for another day" little jobs all add up to huge amounts!! Maybe open up a trainjng course and get students to do the hard work 😅

  17. I tried that sweet potato method for the first time this spring. I had ONE store bought sweet potato. And the slips got huge and glorious. From that one potato, I got just over a dozen slips. I now have those planted in pots. It's not quite warm enough to put the pots outdoors yet.

  18. I just found your channel… everything you said I can relate to.
    I'll try to watch some more videos. I have tomorrow off, I am even trying to take more time off. I turned 54 back in October 2021 and I know how it feels. Everything is harder for me to do. I'm still working Retail, but I'm going to slow down soon. I understand what you said, but time takes a toll on our bodies and we have to rest for a while. Thank You for everything and Take Care.

  19. I can't do full days like I used to!! A bit of this and a bit of that!! One hour turns into two hours…then turns into three and that's basically a day for me!! LOL!!

  20. Hello Kaye. My home was flooded during the Texas freeze of 2021. Home had to be gutted, lack of materials and even talent, has made it a very long and difficult journey in my life.
    I believe I’m around your age and currently not living in my home yet.
    I have plant starts, but this constant driving from my daughter’s who was kind enough to have homed me since the disaster (bless her), is exhausting and cuts into the work time while drive to and from.
    I too have told myself do what you can while I’m in the garden and a little here and there I pray will provide(God willing) good results.
    I get you! Is hot & muggy 9 months out of the year here.
    I didn’t star my sweet potato slips either. I might do what you did, but although I added another 10×4 bed this past winter I’m out of space. ☺️💗

  21. Kaye, I love you talked about this topic. "Us" creative types – really have to work on this, because we get side tracked easy. I am a art teacher part time, homeschool my son who goes to a hybrid school, participate with my church and volunteer…it is hard to find time. During COVID…I decided I will do a little bit each day on the days I am not working and see how it turns out. Many years I did not and would wait till school got out end of May and then I was always behind on all the plantings and spent too much money on buying plants instead of planting from seed. This past summer and this fall and so far this spring I have kept it up…a little each day I am not working. I am shocked how far along I am and many friends who garden have been jealous…wondering where I get all the time. It makes such a difference! Do what you can…walk away feeling you got something accomplished instead of worrying what else there is to do. You will have peace of mind and sleep better at night. Side note: I use Shish Kabob skewers ( snapped into 3rds) for my potatoes in a jar. I have about 42 jars on the table and it is just easier to me. I can label what each potato variety is and know when I have enough slips to put in a potato tower. That is how I grow mine. If your potatoes are too skinny when harvested…too much nitrogen (give you too much leaf growth and less tuber development) and they might of needed to stay in the ground longer. Bone meal, kelp meal, and green sand are my favorite organic choices for sweet potatoes that are lower in nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus. Just a light snack of this throughout the growing season. They are not heavy feeders. I usually just water in bone meal once alot of leaf growth has happened.

  22. Yes… this is how I garden. I try every day to just do something…. And if I can, I do a little more. Then I am not overwhelmed, and I feel satisfied. Your doing great!

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