Container Gardening

Organic Back to Eden Container Garden 28 Sept 2018

Update Sept 2018 – We have over 15 Avocado and 18 Papaya trees now; they just keep on coming up! The kitchen scraps are really making a difference in how these plants are taking off. I’m making mini compost piles in several areas and watering them when ever the garden gets watered. I deep water as needed, filling the containers up to the level of the highest soil. This is saturating the surrounding area first then the water is backing up in the containers. That way the surrounding area’s soil is charged with water. This has turned out fantastic! The side bonus is that a compost pile like this offers me a great place to germinate mango and avocado seeds in a very quick amount of time. We now have an avocado that is 15″ tall and a Papaya that is 10″ tall! All the excess plants I had that weren’t desirable (to me) and any unwanted, yellowing or bug eaten leaves get composted in these mini compost piles.
I’m very interested in bringing some Kudzu vine in from MS and getting it started in the edge of the garden so I can cut off its new growth and use it as compost. The stuff grows so fast I wouldn’t hurt it ans Id have an unlimited supply of green manure. It could also be used in my compost tea


  1. If you grow some lemongrass, the spearmint mixed with it makes for a nice refreshing iced tea in the 100+ degree weather.

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