Garden Design

Garden Design Show 8 – Plants – how to choose the right landscape plants for your garden

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In this episode, professional, international garden designer Rachel Mathews will discuss her tricks of the trade for choosing the right plants for your garden.

She’ll show you how to avoid the most common planting mistakes and help you save money at the garden centre.

To plant a garden successfully, it’s critical that you get the right plant in the right place. So a bit of time spent researching which plants will grow in the conditions you have in your garden will make the world of difference to your success.

Rachel will show you a case study garden that she’ll be creating a planting plan for in the next episode. If you’d like to answer her question and tell her how you would make the planting border bigger – just leave your answers at:

What Would You Like to See Covered in Future Shows?

I’d love to get your ideas for future shows so that this can be as beneficial to you as possible. Leave a comment me know what topics you’d like me to delve into in future episodes in the comment boxes below?

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To download the free cheat sheet on how to add the WOW factor to your garden, go to:


  1. Hi Rachel
    The plants in that little bit of the left border looks amazing. I know it's a Kniphofia, but which one? The other pale orange one is that a Achillea Millefolium? Which grass is it?

  2. Hi Rachel
    What about big bushes like buddlea or the smoke bush in a small garden? I did your wonderful small garden design course well over a year ago, and although I chose not to have a lawn because I am surrounded by huge fabulous green grounds belonging to other people, I have a design we really like, even with only 1/3 of the design actually developed on the ground so far. The problem, now that I am planning planting, is getting in colour without overwhelming my little space (around 16 metres in width, and only 2-5m in length ). Can I not simply put in trees with gorgeous foliage and keep them pruned? does that work? I would have them in among other flowering bushes (eg hydrangeas) and grasses. I'd be really pleased if you could comment on this, as I do wonder if it is a totally impractical idea.

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