Container Gardening

How to Create a Beautiful Container Garden

Fern Richardson uses plants from Proven Winners to create a beautiful container garden for her front porch. More details about the container here:


  1. The volume on this video is too low, I have my speakers at the highest, yet this ladies voice isn't loud enough for me to hear, and I'm really interested to know more about container gardening. I grow my roses in containers.

  2. thanks for the vid, but after you got it out of the pot, you can slowly rotate it in your hand and poke into the roots with your finger tips, do not hurt the roots. This opens new channels, through which the roots will spread out, which are now in the center of the pot. This helps the flower to get attached to the earth around it more and more because the surface of the rootwork is bigger and more roots come out. it is esspecially helping if you are planting in your garden with clay-ish earth

  3. Thanks for the tips. My daughter and I are huge gardening fans, we mostly grow food at home.

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