Container Gardening

Soil Talk/ Earthworms in Container Gardening

Hi Plant Lovers, I have been amending the old soil and put it to use instead of buying more potting soil for my plants and since I started doing that I have something else thriving inside my plant containers aside from plants.


  1. Hi Primrose, I am new to your channel, I heard from you on Olga's unboxing so I have subscribed. What part of the world are you in? Excuse me if I am beeing too curious but I like to sort of place the channels I watch.
    I have my own channel too, I live in Portugal and I am a plant lover, wild plants, succulents, orchids, you name it.
    About the worms I think you are beeing very brave. These fears are a bit awkard because some of the creatures we fear are so much smaller but what can we do? It is out if our control… I have lots of earth worms either in pots or in the garden. I do not use gloves either, I like to touch the soil with my hands, I try not to ignore the little creatures. The use of the fork is a good idea.
    Looking forward to other videos and in the meantime I will be watching the older ones.

  2. They're feeding on all the banana peels, coffee grounds and egg shells you put in.

    Unknowingly you're creating the perfect vermicompost mixture and in turn those worms are turning those ingredients into nutrients the soil can use. It's how nature intended ๐Ÿ™‚ Those worms are actually telling you that the soil is very healthy. If you don't want worms in there don't add these things or let them compost first. The worms will come from eggs inside the compost so only way to get rid of these is to possibly cook the soil at low temps (50/60 ish) to kill the eggs. Worms are completely harmless though and they'll be feeding your plants beautifully with their worm poo (castings) and encouraging healthy root growth by aerating the soil and making the channels for roots to go down through. People pay a fortune for that stuff. My advice would be to face your fear of the worms and really learn to love them. They're like having your own personal gardeners helping your plants.
    Have a read of this too. Coffee grounds are great but only once they're composted

  3. For me, healthy or not, I wouldn't want earthworms in my indoor pots. Outdoors yes, indoors no. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, googled "earthworms in potted plants" and it said they could be harmful for young potted plant roots (for some reason I couldn't post the link?).

  4. No wonder all your plants looks so good and is doing so great. Theres much nutrients in your soil and worms to aerate the soil. ๐Ÿ›

  5. It means your soil is perfect so big strong and ignore them they are helping your plants I have them in my pots to and when i see them it makes me happy because I know the soil is good ๐ŸŒฑ

  6. Primrose you are very lucky that your soil has heartworms. When i find this in my pots i get very happy. They help the plants so much. Live it be. Start to love them. They are harmless.

  7. that's right face your fears of me sis they are harmless,you have seen my compost my worms are quite big because lots of veg/fruits scrap in have a healthy soil ready for next planting..

  8. I haven't yet done my own soil, but i buy organic potting soil and mix w perlite. Instead, I prepare a compost tea w earthworm castings, eggshell, dried banana peels and coffee grain whenever I need to feed my plants.

  9. Hi Primrose, those earthworms are beneficial to your plant. How long does it take to produce earthworms? Thank you for sharing, as always I love you plant videos. Sweet ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Its weird amongst all the educational videos you have this one very different video ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  11. Earthworms are very useful and they need dark place. In winter earthworm are not so active. They can make good compost in summer and rainy season. Whenever you want to remove the compost , stop watering – it will force the earthworm to move to the bottom and you can easily collect the upper part without earthworms.

  12. those are the one worm you do not have to fear, they don't, they can't hurt you. Usually they don't do well with containers but they must be happy in this habitat you've created! Id leave them, they help your plants but if you are truly this scared, ask ur husband to put them outside for you

  13. Just wonderful, been searching for "how to prepare soil for planting vegetables" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Fonillian Uncomplex Future – (search on google )?

    It is a good exclusive guide for discovering how to add breathtaking landscaping designs to your home minus the hard work. Ive heard some awesome things about it and my buddy got excellent results with it.

  14. Hi, Iโ€™ve a bit bigger pot than I would need for certain size of plant I have, to intentionally house these worms

    I used to donโ€™t like to touch them before, now with the quality of soils and my plants, I kinda enjoy having them so much.

  15. Ok was about to pass out when I just discovered that there are worms on my indoor plant ๐Ÿชด I took some out and now I know that itโ€™s good to have them there.. thanks for sharing and also the comments helped me out alot. I donโ€™t like them but if my plant is happy I am๐Ÿ’ƒ

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