Japanese Garden

How to Make a Zen Garden on a Budget

A thrift store picture frame is the basis for this easy tabletop DIY zen garden. You can find a link to the zen rake how-to in the post at http://www.curbly.com/DIY-Maven/posts/4906-Curbly-Video-Podcast-How-to-Make-a-Zen-Garden-on-a-Budget


  1. you can keep the glass as a cover to protect it from the cat. if the decorations are too large you could raise the edges with some pieces of wood glued to the corners of the frame so the glass can lay flat over all of it.

  2. ahhhh I wanted to make one bigger than the tiny one from dollar store and I found this I never thought of using a pic frame . thanks .

  3. Haha! Hey excellent video Curbly! Short, Simple, To The Point! Way to be creative by "thinking outside of the box" with the picture frame

  4. Lady: Your not gonna try and poop in this right?
    Cat: But whats the use for this fancy litter box then?

  5. Nice video. I'm going to give it a try. And to those saying you can buy one for a few dollars – where's the Zen in that ?

  6. Yeah… I really wanna make a Zen garden, but my four cats may think its for them. Wonder if I can make a Zen garden with a lid…😸

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