Gardening Supplies

Gardening Can Save Your Life (LITERALLY)

The benefits of gardening are numerous. Gardener Scott highlights research on the physical and mental benefits that gardens and gardening provide. (Video #400)

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#EnjoyGardening #GardenerScott

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  1. I love being in the garden, see the plants growing, & it smells nice… water, pull weeds, plant seeds, mulch… just be there with the plants 🙂 I am happy…

  2. For me, it’s being connected to the environment. I care for the birds, leave up natives for them even if they aren’t planned. I’m always watching the weather to see when it will rain, what the temps will be. I feel more connected to tangible reality. I can change my surroundings to benefit my family, neighbors, and animals.

    I love breathing the fresh air, getting sunlight, smelling the clouds, getting some exercise.

    There’s so much to describe that makes working in the garden so enjoyable. Also, seeing things grow, being a steward of the land.

    It’s very rewarding to nurture life.

  3. Thank you so much Scott, for another wonderful video. You have a way of making me even more happy with my garden and gardening!

  4. Man was created to till the ground and be stewards of the earth. So gardening is bringing man back to nature where we belong. It just makes sense that it would be beneficial for us in many ways.

  5. Right now I’d be less depressed if I wouldn’t have listened to our meteorologists. We had covered the previous 2 nights and were told it would be warming now—last night we didn’t cover like the previous 2 nights and we had the coldest night yet!😡. So I’m sure most fall flowers are toast now. Thanks to all those computer models that work so well😖
    I have 4 different areas I garden and was just asked if I get any regular excercise🤣🤣

  6. Agreed!!! My greenhouse and garden are my happy places – no matter how much work I need to do, or how sore/tired I am, I still love my time in the garden – and can push past physical limitations way more with gardening then for any other task!!!

    Excellent point also about the benefits of the garden for children & individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities – I work in the I/DD community and many of the group homes we visit have garden spaces for the residents to enjoy at whatever level they are able to. Some might have a container garden on a patio, a small raised bed area, or even a large area of yard dedicated to their garden – each benefits the individuals there in many ways!

  7. I couldn't agree more with this video. Gardening prevents me from going insane with the things I see as a firefighter. Without it I would have been sectioned years ago

  8. Gardening saves my life also. It’s been my lifeline. Last year, I lost three people within two months. My younger brother too his life, my friend took her life, and my friend who was a master gardener died of health issues. I was in a very bad place not only in my head, but also in my heart. Gardening gives me hope for a bright future and for the present moment give me peace of mind. Thank you for sharing with us Scott. I always look forward to your videos and appreciate them more than you know. Happy gardening to all ❤

  9. Gardening is by far the most therapeutic and rewarding hobby. Keeps me outta trouble too. If it wasn’t for gardening I’d probably be doing things that would bring conflict to my marriage and home. Seriously. I work, pickup kids from school or sports and go home make dinner ready and go outside in the yard and be creative and grow food we can eat. Life is good.🙏🏼🤙🏼👍🏼

  10. “What was paradise, but a garden?” William Lawson. God’s good earth is healing. Love your content. Thank you.

  11. Excellent video!!! I know I feel better, and my day seems to go better when I spend time in my garden early in the morning. Plus, there's the benefit of eating good tasting veggies from it. I just walk past the produce area in the grocery stores now since I know mine taste much better than what's sold there.

  12. I'm happy to discover your channel, Scott. Already subscribed and been watching your content. Thanks for the all knowledge you provide.

  13. I can believe this. I'm happier in the garden, even if I'm just pulling weeds. I watch the birds & bees & feel a part of nature. I don't get as much exercise since I have mobility issues, so I use a cart to roll around my raised beds.

  14. I 💯 agree. There’s always something to look forward to, something to do, something to dream and hope for. In the midst of chaos. Thanks gardener Scott!

  15. I want gardening to improve my hearing, too! Just kidding, sort of. I am planning to be a gardener, but a bit concerned that I will spend so much time being so frustrated over gardening disappointments that I'll miss the benefits.

  16. I listened to this video twice because it was moving and made me feel good. Even brought tears to my eyes, too. (Not the first time that has happened while watching a Gardener Scott video). It is also moving and even more tear-jerking to read the comments.

    What is so awe-inspiring is that no one seems to be able to pinpoint exactly what is happening in a garden that lifts the mood so much. A few things are obvious, such as more exercise, more sunshine, healthier eating, etc. But even all of that combined doesn't seem sufficient to explain the profound effects. I believe the plants and other organisms are actually doing something to interact with us, which can't be measured with scientific tools.

  17. This video was very interesting Scott I listen to it and everything you said is so true my garden is about 20 by 15 or even a little more but I enjoy it so much love going out there every day mostly evenings sometimes just to look around, it's very calming relaxing and I also take a little music with me and also my water.(Thank you Scott)

  18. I start every morning in creaper gear or just crawling around .As the day progress I feel better and even better seeing what I have accomplished

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