Container Gardening

How to Grow Lettuce in a Soda Bottle Garden Tips. Container Gardening on Deck or Patio #shorts

Growing lettuce in small pot, container gardening in small spaces.


  1. I grow plants in whatever containers. Bottles look good. I have so many gallon milk containers, it is not funny. I start lettuce continously through the year, to make sure we always have some lettuce leaves. Although in warmer weather, I also have chard, malabar spinach, okinawan spinach, longevity spinach to use raw. I really like the succulent-like leaves on those spinaches. The young leaves are especially delicious.

  2. Love it, I’ve been saving lots of containers. Getting ready to start seeds indoors, finally!

  3. Just wanted to share this old Chinse proverb with you because I thought about you and Gary when I heard it. "The best fertilizer is a gardener's shadow". I see your shadow once in a while when you're making your videos, which is just fine. Now I'll think of you 'fertilizing' your garden when I see your shadow in them and it'll give me another reason to smile.

  4. This may mean I can have fresh lettuce all year round. It's certainly worth a try πŸ˜‰ 😊

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