Edible Gardening

Cranberry Hibiscus: Edible Multi-Vitamins!

Get some of your daily required vitamins simply by adding Cranberry Hibiscus to your diet. The easy to grow and propagate powerhouse of nutrition should be growing on everyone’s property in zone 8 to 11. Don’t let that stop you from trying to grow this in a container either, because this plant is delicious!
Here is a link to a plant specification sheet from ECHO: https://bit.ly/2EEEAXf
This plant is also called Hibiscus acetosella, African Rose Mallow, False Roselle, Moroon Mallow, or Red Leaved Hibiscus. Originating from South Africa, this plant has become well known from the Americas to Asia. Attracting pollinators is another bonus! Just remember that the flowers bloom when the daylight hours shorten and they only stay open for a few hours. These flower blossoms make a great infusion enjoyed hot or cold.

You can purchase these plants at ECHO Global Farm in Fort Myers, Florida.
#cranberryHibiscus #antioxidants #plantnutrition


  1. Very interesting and informative video. Perhaps when they bloom you could add a photo here of them. Your neighbors get the benefit of all your beautiful plants and flowers. I would be sneaking over and snipping them for my afternoon ice tea break.

  2. Cape Coral here! I’m getting ready to plant several of these in the next couple of weeks. Will be eventually propagating for privacy. What other edible type plants do well in full sun? My rosemary is doing well along my fence and want to add more now that houses are going up by me. It is soo, so hot in my back yard as the sun sets behind my house. Looking for more plants that will do well. Thanks.

  3. When do they bloom? I am growing some here in El Paso, TX. My roselle has bloomed but no sign the cranberry hibiscus is going to make flowers. Love the leaves in salads.

  4. Most Definately.
    I'll be getting some. Hopefully they grow fairly quick.? Ordering some seeds for when I move to a better place.
    Thanks for Sharing 😎👍☕

  5. Thanks!! I'm in the Orlando area and its cool to find a local ish gardener with good info!

  6. What an attractive, colorful specimen! The plant was nice too. :DDD – All kidding aside, thank you for the info. I just got my seeds by mail and I was looking for these tips. Subd.

  7. The leaves are used to impart sour flavour in South Indian cuisine. They are popularly used to make sour and spicy sauce. They are also added to goat meat when cooking.

  8. Ok Heidi I bought my plant in May off of etsy. Its huge now however I don't have any flowers. When does it flower? I'm in Texas 9a very hot here 🔥 🥵
    Never mind just read someone's else's comment! Thanks I really love this plant it's beautiful 😍 ❤

  9. New to your channel. I have one planted in a 25 gal container and it is about 7 or 8 feet tall. I have been cutting it back to keep it low but it grows back so fast. I know it said that the leaves are edible, but no one is dashing if you can make a tea from the leaves. Do you know if tea can be made from the leaves? I am experimenting with some leaves in a glass jar of water to see if it will make a tea. I have left it n the counter over night. I know the flowers they say tea can be made. Thank you for your video.

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