Container Gardening

Off-Grid Self-Watering Container Gardening System: Step-By-Step

This is video #2 in my Off-grid self-watering container gardening system. This video shows you step-by step how to make the self watering part of this system. It really straight forward and easy enough for me to figure out and build. With this system you truly can grow a garden pretty much anywhere in the world.

– LDS Prepper PREMIUM Plant Micro-Nutrient Mix:
– LDS Prepper Premium Plant Micro Nutrients
– Mittleider Gardening Course Book
– Heirloom Garden Seeds
– Berkey Water Filters
– Off-Grid Portable Solar Generator


  1. And draining the Buffer-Bucket, starting the cycle over again.
    The hole thing will cost about a dollar, plus the $7 mini float-valve. Cut some holes in the Riser-Bucket so the rising water goes inside the Riser-Bucket as well.

  2. Oh… it is important that the mini float-valve pours water into the planter, not the Buffer-Bucket – but the mini float-valve's cork or bottle MUST be inside the Buffer-Bucket.

  3. Great videos Well obviously I missed something …. It was making all perfect sense up until the end. The point I got confused at you mentioned you drilled 4 holes at the bottom of the buckets 2 are used for the tubing and i guess the other 2 are vents….. then u place the soil bucket in the 1st. Well what keeps the water leaking out of those air vents? so how is the soil bucket able to wick the water ? or if you have another video that would be awesome. thanks Terry

  4. Please watch the entire video series in my playlist. I think that will answer all your questions.

  5. Hey thanks for the response… Well I viewed as many videos as i could find under off-grid self watering. And I couldnt find the specific one I need. I hear you keep referring to wicking and a sock Im sure you have a vid on this I just havent found it. I wanted to see what kind of sock are you using and how far it should be up inside the soil.. thanks

  6. On the "featured" or main page of my youtube channel there is a column on the right hand side showing "featured playlists". Click on the "Off-Grid Self-Watering Container Gardening System" playlist. It will show you all of the seven videos in order. I hope that helps.

  7. I tapped the hole in the bucket with a pipe tap and able to use Watts PL-3005 quick connect and Watts A-731 with no orings and didn't have any leaks being a machinist I only had to buy 2 of each and my float had a compression fitting on it I now have strawberries and 1 tomato plant right now

  8. The wick is a sock down the center hole in the bucket and works great for setting the bucket on the ground to work on

  9. Great work. Thanks for sharing. I really like using the sock because it allows you to set the bucket on the ground with no problems.

  10. You do have to have a wick to make it to the top bucket. Although it is harder to get water that high. I've gotten it up 16". I like the sock because it is flexible, meaning I can put the bucket on the ground and it doesn't let potting mix get into the water system and plug up the 1/4" tubing.

  11. I have been using this system for about a month now and these are my observations and things I will do different next time. My tomatoes and peppers have exploded with growth using this system and I love it. Make sure that your using a pretty level area. I have 12 plants in a small area that I though was level but had a slant of about 4 inches. That is enough to really play havoc with setting it up. You have to put something under the lower buckets to bring them up pretty level with the others.

  12. Also from post below. I will not use white buckets or paint them a dark color. I have algae growing in them and it has clogged my drip line twice. I will permanently fix the drip lines in the bottom of the buckets instead of rocks as the roots have grown so large into the feeding bucket that it has pushed the tubes and in some cases out of the water. This is a great system to use and like I said my plants are simply amazing. Thank you very much ldsprepper.

  13. Just replying to myself… Putting a cheap DIY float valve in each plant bucket is a bad idea. EarthBox tried it and roots kept wrecking the float valve.
    Also, the AquaValve isn't necessary because the bucket is already designed to give the plants both air (from the air space above the water) and water (from the wicking)

  14. Why does the control bucket have an outlet (requiring another nipple etc). Is there a reason you don't just drill a hole above the water line and run a primed siphon hose like you do for every additional bucket?

  15. This is absolutely terrific. This solves all of my watering problems. It allows me to go away for several days without worrying about my veggies. What I love the most is that it can go on and on and on in how every many buckets I want to have … thank you so much … much appreciated !!!

  16. The tubing needs to be at the same level as the connected bucket on the bottom. We have been having difficulty getting water to always wick up to the top bucket. We are still working on a solution.

  17. The Kerick MA2S2 is a 1/4 inch thread, which does not fit the A-19 compression joint. The MA052 has the 1/2 inch thread. If you already bought a MA2S2 you can get a A-16 compression coupler.

  18. Learned so much from your videos. Thanks!!!!! Curious what–if any–advantage you find with a 1/2" system as opposed to the typical 1/4"-based system?

  19. Thanks for watching. I'm not sure I understand your question. I am using 1/4" not 1/2" tubing. I am actually changing the tubing from 1/4" to 1/2" to increase water flow and lower the chance of the tubing getting clogged. I'm also changing from a siphon to a flood system by putting the tubing below the water line.

  20. No need to top water if the plant is getting all the water it needs from below. I have only had to top water once, when I found the cotton in the sock decomposed and the sock wasn't wicking. I am changing to using a 3" net cup instead of socks/cotton.

  21. Oh, jumpin' jimminy, confused your system with that of @jwwm2. Pardon me! Doh. Similar thumbnails… Look forward to seeing details of your "flood" system since I'm in the planning stages for next year, water to originate high up with tote container.

  22. So can someone smarter than I type a list into the comments of what parts you'd need if you changed everything to 1/2 inch? I found the float valve on amazon and the 1/2 inch is easy enough to find. Same for the tubing. I'm just worried I'll get the small parts wrong. I want a list to take to Home Depot with me 🙂

  23. Hi, great idea. Working on my system now. Using 1/4in tubing, drilled two 1/4 holes (3in from bottom) and another 1/4in hole (3-1/2 in) for over flow. How do I get the water level to stop before the tubing holes?

  24. Have you heard about – "Shuzman Awesome Container Homes" (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now)? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my work buddy built a cool container house with it.

  25. Great video, thank you, my question is …How is the water wicked into upper buckets ? Do you have a diagram of the system ?

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