Japanese Garden

Japanese Gardens (film)

This is a 14-minute visual essay on traditional Japanese gardens, as maintained in modern Japan, with special attention to zen gardens at temples and other places. Among the unusual features we see are “dry landscapes” with “imaginary water.” Among the places visited are the Silver Pavilion and the Katsura Detached Palace, both in Kyoto. The narration is in English, but it’s instructive and done with restraint and doesn’t overwhelm the images. There are many beautiful shots, accompanied by a gentle, evocative score provided by traditional means: woodwinds, stringed instruments, and percussion, with occasional Kabuki cries. The film was sponsored by the Japan National Tourist Organization and produced by Koga Productions in Tokyo. I don’t know the exact date of production, but I believe it was made in the 1970s. This copy was made directly from a film print in 1985.

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