Garden Plans

Autumn Bonsai Bench Tour and Bonsai Review – Part 1

This is part one of my autumn bonsai review and bonsai bench tour where I introduce and examine my bonsai trees, and discuss their development this year, and my future plans for them going forward.

My aim is to try and present this as beautifully as possible to capture the essence and beauty of the trees and the sense of calm and serenity that pervades the bonsai hobby.

I had hoped to do this as x2 one hour videos, but due to technical issues and the instability of composing and editing such long, 4k hi res videos on an IPhone I have had to split this into a series to make it more manageable. My apologies for this.

I hope you enjoy and find this visually stimulating, entertaining and useful. If so, please consider subscribing to be notified of future content.

Enjoy 😊🙏

For Tom Butterworth pots check out seller sas6160 on eBay, or directly on his website:

For part two please check out this link:


00:00 Introduction
01:00 welcome to The Bonsai Garden
05:24 Mountain maple bonsai tree
07:08 Japanese White Pine bonsai
07:53 Chinese juniper air layer
08:52 Hawthorn bonsai
09:39 Japanese Black Pine bonsai in training
11:28 Chocolate birch multi trunk tree
12:12 Liquid ambar tree
12:38 Quince / chaenomeles
12:48 Various Japanese maples – bloodgood, orange dream, going green.
13:30 Kabudachi clumpo style Japanese maple
14:04 Contorted hazel tree
14:52 Beech tree thread graft experiment / approach graft
15:25 $50 bonsai challenge tree
15:49 Assorted seedlings and cuttings
16:20 Ornamental cherry tree in training
16:48 Olive tree bonsai
17:20 Anne Irene Japanese maple
17:41 Podocarpus / Buddhist pine
21:10 My Herons crab apple bonsai
21:47 My Greenwood Bonsai satsuki azalea bonsai tree
22:30 Oak seedling bonsai
23:50 Fuji cherry / kojo no mai
24:20 Tom Butterworth bonsai pots
25:00 Chinese Elm bonsai trees
27:32 Dwarf azalea bonsai tree
28:33 Coming In the next episode



  1. Beautiful tour Jason, thanks. What a wonderful collection. Now I’ve got a bad case of bench envy. I need to go out and give my trees (slackers) a good talking to. Thanks, keep growing

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